What's Looking Good in July 2024

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That's the same verbascum I have in my pink and white bed. The trouble at the moment is that I can hardly see them for weeds at the moment -while yours are all lovely and weed free...I have such a lot of catching up to try and get done. Ah😀, I have an idea. You could pop down to Kent for a week and give me a hand to get my beds as ship-shape as yours are.... Yessss!! 😊
That's great Tetters, i do have weeds it's just that you can't see them. I'd love to pop down but I've got a baby golden retriever to look after.🙂
He'll never bother to learn :rolleyes: they're Verbascum Zigs..... 😖 and lots of teasels behind. The teasels are valuable for the wildlife. They collect water in the axils of the leaves - valuable for birds, bees and other insects, and are usually alive with goldfinches in the autumn looking for the seeds.
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After our recent hurricane blew through Meadowlark Ranch, just about everything in the garden was flattened by 80 plus mph winds over several hours moving from northeast to southwest as the eye rolled through. Flowers, veggies and cover crops alike all were virtually flattened...but one miraculously recovered withing days to normal. This unassisted recovery by Sunn Hemp is one of the most remarkable things I have seen in the plant World.

A 10 ft. tall heavily leafed plant flattened by hurricane winds and almost 100% recovery within days.

It now stands 10-12 ft. tall and doing its job replenishing garden soil. Remarkable.
Sunn Hemp post hurr.webp

By contrast for example, Marigolds and most other flowers never recovered:

marigolds post hurri.webp
It now stands 10-12 ft. tall and doing its job replenishing garden soil. Remarkable.

At what point will you chop it? Also, after you chop it will you till it into the soil? If so, how long will you wait to do that after it's chopped?
Thank you for your interest. I'll chop it within the next three weeks and will probably hit it with a disc thereafter and then plant my fall/winter cover crop in that space which will be some combination of alfalfa, clover, vetch, etc. That space grew last year's winter veggies, potatoes, onions, etc. so the soil is well depleted. Next spring, I will be growing corn and beans and okra in that space and it will be "no N P K required" nutrient rich soil.
it will be "no N P K required" nutrient rich soil

This would be my goal for my garden at some point, too, but I'm afraid I've got a lot to learn to get to that point. I'd certainly be the odd-ball around here if I could get it to that point, too. I don't know a single person who doesn't load their gardens with fertilizer around here.
Good to see the Bridgwater beans Mr Lark :cool: Sorry to hear about your garden getting battered though, wind in the middle of the growing season is never usually good. Glad to see your Sunn hemp has picked up.