Well-known member
lots of bear though
Yes, that's what I've heard. That's why I wouldn't be a huge fan of getting too far out into the wild by myself. Of course, some bear spray might come in handy too.
lots of bear though
some bear spray might come in handy too.
Ok. SorryI used to live in the Temperate Rain Forest known as North Wales
Is that a Callistemon in the first picture @DrCase ? I grow an Agastache with a mauve bottlebrush type flower, but it's not quite like that one.
Is that a Callistemon in the first picture @DrCase ? I grow an Agastache with a mauve bottlebrush type flower, but it's not quite like that one.
A look at the wildflower meadow, don't know how these got in there
That's the same verbascum I have in my pink and white bed. The trouble at the moment is that I can hardly see them for weeds at the moment -while yours are all lovely and weed free...I have such a lot of catching up to try and get done. Ah, I have an idea. You could pop down to Kent for a week and give me a hand to get my beds as ship-shape as yours are.... Yessss!!Verbascum snowy spires
View attachment 874
I think it may be Callestemon. I'll try and find a picture.....
View attachment 841 Yep - this one shows the leaves as well as the flowers. These abounded when I used to live in Australia I remember them being quite common to find. They are lovely