Garden Chat Forum

Chat about gardens with members from all across the globe from flower gardens to vegetable gardens and everything in between.


A Walk Through Sandy's Garden
It starts with the beautifully built entrance to the garden. Built several years ago, by Sandy's own design, made, partially, of a typical English Lych Gatr as well as one seen in Germany that was built by a "Wanderschaft". Once through the gate, you end up being taken on a beautiful tour of flowers, roses, trees, perfectly manicured grass and shrubbery. Take a walk through our member @Sandy Ground's beautiful garden.
The Vegetable Garden Today
This is a long running thread where our members show off what vegetables they're picking out of their garden on any given day. Knowing what vegetables some of our experienced gardeners are harvesting on any given day will help new gardeners understand which crops grow in which seasons. Share your photos of today's harvest with, or without, commentary and see what other members are getting out of their gardens.
What's looking good in July 2024
Show off some of the things that have your garden looking beautiful in July. See some of the beautiful pictures from other member's gardens from the month of July.

What's trending?

Thread 'Sandy garden...'
...a few photos at a time. As all good gardens need a proper entrance gate, heres a photo of mine, along with the background to it. When I'm on my travels, I normally take photos of garden related things that onterest me. I first built this gate a few years ago, to my own design. Its a combination partially of a typical English Lych Gatr, as well as one I saw in Germany that was built by a "Wanderschaft." I'll explin more about these if asked. Its treated in a tradional Scandinavian way...
Thread 'The Cactus Thread'
Thought it best to start a thread that' just for Cacti and Succulents, rather than putting them on the what's looking good thread and getting in the way of other flowers. I'll post about what's happening at the moment, upcoming cacti events and the odd video. Feel free to plunge in with any questions and of course your own Cacti and Succulents :)🌵 [ATTACH type="full"]348[/ATTACH]