What's happening in your garden today?

Pulled up my onions which only did so-so but are still edible.

Doh! This reminds me that I forgot to take pictures of our onions. We pulled the white onions on Saturday. Will probably do the red (purple) onions this coming weekend. They still haven't all fallen over just yet but they're getting close.

Yours look fine to me. I bet they still taste delicious!
Lots of them were very thick necked, a few shot bulbs off the sides and some never grew at all. I started with seed bulbs. I can blame some of it on the weather, but I think I planted them too closely, and did something wrong with fertilization.

Quite a few of the ones in the picture still look good though. We had some really small ones too but, like you, I'm betting they'll still eat the same.

This is all a live and learn kind of thing for a lot of us I think. We had a good year with everything except our tomatoes and okra. I'm not sure if they were planted too close together. Maybe too much water. Maybe not enough (doubtful with all the rain). Could be that the soil needs something we don't have for those veggies. Next year, we'll do something different and see what happens. Maybe sometime we'll get it figured out to where everything grows good.