What's happening in your garden today?

I got done much of what I wanted to do today.
But three hours in the cold was enough. I then had other jobs in the house to do, like the laundry.

I assembled the two hedgehog feeders. I upgraded the first one I built, earlier in the week.


I found I didn't need brackets to secure the tube to the fronts. I'd made the apertures in the front and back bits of plywood tight enough for them to be unnecessary.
I've angled the front of the entrance tubes to give them a bit of protection from rain.

The boxes had locking handles. I had to remove the one from the front to get the tubes in. But I've kept the ones at the back. Those and a brick placed on the top should deter any fox trying to get at the food.

I did a "dummy run," positioning the houses and the feeder to see what they looked like.
On their pavers, they should stay dry.



Then I put them all in the shed, for later in February.

There's a lot of dead bamboo leaves down there. They don't degrade and they're a pain to remove. The bamboo along the back of the fence looks a bit thin, but it always does in the winter. It will thicken up later in the year, as it has done for over thirty years.


I've moved a tall grass to a couple of feet from the front of the feeder. That, the azalea, the hydrangea and the new rhodos, should hide it a bit.
The bottom of the garden is a bit of a mess, there's been so much rain. The less said about the state of the lawn, the better, but it will recover with some help.

I then got into the rose patio, raking out between the flags and vaccing all the debris up. I had a full bag of fine yellow sand and used up half of it brushing it in, with a wide paintbrush. Fortunately, it's dry today. It would have been impossible if the flags were damp.


If it's still dry tomorrow, I'll weed the rockery.
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Not doing much at the moment i had a fall and bruised my left shoulder, left leg and badly grazed my left elbow. When walking river i stepped sideways and fell off the pavement on my left side, the elbow got it first.
Last time I took a tumble ( I don't say ''had a fall'' - that's for old folk :giggle:) I/we thought I'd broken my nose, I looked even worse than normal, so thought I'd just have to tell everyone ''Lord Awful did it!'' :LOL:
Anyway, I hope you're feeling better now.
I finally got my third raised bed moved !! It's a bigger one than the last two: 4'x8'x 17" tall. I had to move them all because my red oak tree decided to invade them with tons of fibtous roots. I could hardly get a shovel in there were so many all right to the top of the bed.
See that pile of roots on the right of the photo ? There's the pile of roots !!

I took more than a dozen loads of dirt in my big wheelbarrow. I lost count because I was getting pooped !! 😂 I worked from 10am- 3:45 pm. Took two breaks. Had my dog tied to the big red oak part of the time, but she complained !! She wanted to go in !! 😄 Such a housedog !!

I saved a lot of sticks and limbs and after moving the bed, filled the bottom with chopped up sticks, leaves and limbs.
I spaced these beds out so that my 42" mower will fit between.
Then it was a couple hours of shovelling dirt into the wheelbarrow, out of the wheelbarrow. It was sunny and 69 degrees. I was in short shorts and a tank top. Got a bit of a tan too !!
You've been busy Annie 😬

Tree roots make their way up into my dumpy bags of leafmold too, gonna have to devise a barrier to stop them 🙄
When you figure out what to use for a barrier let us know. I can't think of what to use and still have drainage because the tree roots will go right up into any drainage holes you put in !! 😡
Seemed to be a repotting day.

Repotted Snake Plants, Geraniums and Pineapple.

Planted one Pineapple.

Had some old Wood Chips was going to put them on my Compost. Got one and half Wheelbarrows full but rest was still froze.

Almost made a mistake. I had just closed Chickens up looked at the Greenhouse and was thinking it should be ok. Then I thought again is was warm earlier I had shut the Heater off and opened windows. So went took care of that.

Was excited today had replanted Lettuce and Radishes and they was coming up. In the Greenhouse.

big rockpile
It was a bit colder today than yesterday, but when you're busy, you don't notice it.

I got into the rockery and got a lot of small clumps of grass out of it. Then I tackled the moss. I don't mind it on the rocks, but it likes to spread into the phlox.
I then mixed up two and a half bags of topsoil with most of a bag of compost and spread it over the rockery, then watered it in.
We've a few snowdrops showing near the first Japanese lantern.
Watered into the lawn, some three-in-one ,

I gave the wood panels on the new hedgehog feeders another coat of Dulux woodstain. I'm running out of this now and I'll need some, as I'll be giving the pergolas and the tea-house a coat in the Spring.
All paint is expensive, it's over £70 in the local Dulux shop, I've ordered it2.5 ltrs of it, via eBay for £58 with free delivery.

I've always used it on our garden woodwork for nearly forty years. It keeps the rot away.
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Today I installed 4 t-posts alongside my trellis which holds a Lady Banks yellow rose on one side and a Major Wheeler honeysuckle on the other. The hurricane knocked it down and it hasn't stayed upright since !! Keeps wanting to lean west.

Then I took my string trimmer and cut down all my deeply frosted, rusty colored Boston ferns so, that provies a good mulch for the shade garden.
Lastly. picked more broccoli and trimmed off more bottom leaves on the brussels sprouts.
No gardening today, it's a bit wet and I'd quite a few chores to do. Including "vacuuming everywhere." (Not that it needed it. My wife's physo was coming at 1.00 pm and you know what women are like, if there's visitors coming!)
But I did order eight creeping phlox plug plants on eBay to add to the rockery. I like this colour.


I'll pot them up and put them on the windowsill in the shed for the time being.
Since all month we will be having it in the 50'sf for the low and 70's for the high, they even predict it will be 80 f by Wednesday, did quite a bit in the Garden today.

Planted out my two tallest tomato plants with three marigolds in one raised bed. Since my snow peas pooped out due to the extreme cold I turned one bed of those under and planted bush beans in there. That bed already has a potato planted in on one side.

Then I harvested one of my cabages and some spinach in another bed and planted a pepper and a Courgette in there. Then in another raised bed planted a Courgette and Two Peppers that were growing so nicely together that I left the siamese twins conjoined but gave them more room to grow on the end of that bed.

I added mycorrhizal (probably spelt wrong) fungi to all my root balls and in the soil beneath my bush beans. Added Bio Char and fertilizer as well.

First thing I did was dig out that enormously ugly Mexican petunia that looked like an elephant sat on it !!😂 That thing spread runners all over, up and under my Irises so, eventhough it is not the time of year to move Iris, I had no choice but to do so to get the runners out. They look better now, anyways.

Right now I'm lounging with my Shiatzu back massager on and watching Gardeners World !! 😂
No gardening today as it was a golf day. Warm for the time of year.
Tomorrow, I've to go to a garden fence manufacturer in Eccles.
Waney lap panels are at least £20 each now. But this firm sells all the bits. I need a bottom rail and one strip of panelling. I'll get a few. At the moment there's only a couple of panels that need attention. But it is as well to be prepared in case I need more during the year.
I did the same three years ago for several panels where the top caps had weathered away.