What's happening in your garden today?

Didn't the mods on the other forum call you a liar for saying you had a Pineapple Mr Pile? 😨

You won't get such slander over here. They slandered me too :cautious:

Still waiting for an appology from the bastards.
Probably did. This would require retrieving a memory.

big rockpile
No gardening today, it's a bit wet and I'd quite a few chores to do. Including "vacuuming everywhere." (Not that it needed it. My wife's physo was coming at 1.00 pm and you know what women are like, if there's visitors coming!)
But I did order eight creeping phlox plug plants on eBay to add to the rockery. I like this colour.

View attachment 2875

I'll pot them up and put them on the windowsill in the shed for the time being.
One of my favourite plants......that reminds me (y)
Is that Scarecrow another of Tetter's creations? 😁
We'll show you my creation when I've finished it .......coming soon!
Never mind creation... is that Tetters ??!!!
Watch it, you cheeky sod :giggle:
Since all month we will be having it in the 50'sf for the low and 70's for the high, they even predict it will be 80 f by Wednesday, did quite a bit in the Garden today.

Planted out my two tallest tomato plants with three marigolds in one raised bed. Since my snow peas pooped out due to the extreme cold I turned one bed of those under and planted bush beans in there. That bed already has a potato planted in on one side.

Then I harvested one of my cabages and some spinach in another bed and planted a pepper and a Courgette in there. Then in another raised bed planted a Courgette and Two Peppers that were growing so nicely together that I left the siamese twins conjoined but gave them more room to grow on the end of that bed.

I added mycorrhizal (probably spelt wrong) fungi to all my root balls and in the soil beneath my bush beans. Added Bio Char and fertilizer as well.

First thing I did was dig out that enormously ugly Mexican petunia that looked like an elephant sat on it !!😂 That thing spread runners all over, up and under my Irises so, eventhough it is not the time of year to move Iris, I had no choice but to do so to get the runners out. They look better now, anyways.

Right now I'm lounging with my Shiatzu back massager on and watching Gardeners World !! 😂
There's no way we can plant stuff out here until May at least!
Today I harvested all my spinach. Steamed some for supper and am steaming the rest to put in "baggies" 😁 to freeze for later.
Then I planted some zinnia seed, weeded the veg in the raised beds and got the back of my south facing border composted, weeded and watered, ready to plant out some prairie sage and cerinthe major in the morning.
I can't do anything due to the drizzle so I went shopping at Walmart.

☺️I bought plants !!
A pack of 8 Red hot poker roots.
A pink climbing rose to replace the one that hasn't thrived for me.
A pack of three Lily roots called Purple Dream. It's dark pink with a purple center.
Lastly a packet of Tithonia for 50¢ !! Tall orange daisy like flowers in bright orange.

And a little bit of food !! Who needs food ? Gardening feeds the soul, ya know ? 😂😂😂
I've tried growing tithonia from seed but it didn't grow very tall.
I looked tithonia up on line and there are so many kinds of them !! They even have little short ones that only get a foot high. Mine are the 5-6' kind but I will pinch out the leading shoot when they reach about a foot high.

You may have gotten the 2-3' tall ones, they look just like the big tall ones. Sometimes the seed is mislabeled or the plants crossed in the field and nobody noticed !! 😂
My creeping phlox plug plants arrived yesterday.
I potted them out in a mixture of compost and topsoil.
They are presently in troughs on a tray on top of the two freezers in the room in the back of the garage, so will get some heat, be protected from frost and there is some light from a skylight above them. T
hey won't be joining the others in our rockery until it gets a bit warmer.
I may put them on the windowsill of the shed during the day, as it gets surprisingly warm in there, but they can't stay there over-night as it gets too cold.


I bought them on eBay, as I really like this colour.


I spent most of the day repairing the side fence. I replaced the bottom batons on eight of the panels and the first strip of Wany lap above, on two of them. The fence should be good for a few years yet, as I'd replaced the cappings on top of the panels three years ago.
The cable is the 12v supply to the two lanterns. I need to fix it to the base panel.

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I weeded my hot dry bed. Planted out 2 Moneymaker tomato plants that I grew from seed. I put them behind a Julia Child rose in my South facing bed by the house. I put one to the left, one to the right of it. Gave them lots of goodness, watered and mulched them.

Then I weeded my rose that is not thriving. I was going to remove it to see what was going on but when I tried digging it out, it was so firmly and deeply rooted that I decided to give it another chance !!😃 There's a clematis that's behind it on a trellis. So, I added lime and compost to the clemattis, rose food and compost to the rose, watered and mulched them heavily. I bought a rose to replace this one. Now I have to figure out where to plant that one !! 🤔
Cold and wet, but I planted a few seeds in the reenhouse and filled up the propagator, moved some things that were growing to the greenhouse to make room, and filled the greenhouse heater.
Also badger had broken into a compost bin, so I moved it to a better place, stacked some logs so they were wedged against the door, and moved the compost into it.
Turned Exhaust Fan on in the Greenhouse to bring humidity down.

Watered my plants.

Filled my Barrel in the Greenhouse with rain water I had caught which wasn't much.

Took some cuttings try to root them.

Ordered a deal that raise the tray up and whick water up to bottom of the tray.

big rockpile
Harvested my first Cauliflower !! 😄 I have two more coming and hope they don't bolt before they get big. One is the width of a softball and the other a bit wider than a baseball.
Then My broccoli is so close to bolting I harvested every bit that was as big as a quarter or bigger and hope the heat holds off for a while longer.
Harvested my first Cauliflower !! 😄 I have two more coming and hope they don't bolt before they get big. One is the width of a softball and the other a bit wider than a baseball.
View attachment 2917
Then My broccoli is so close to bolting I harvested every bit that was as big as a quarter or bigger and hope the heat holds off for a while longer.
Wish I lived in S Georgia, it's still cold, wet and horrible horrible here, with a chance of frost still, I have just planted my cauliflower seeds.
I had a look at the map, not big your town is it? Google says you have a population of about 4,000, our little village is 2,600, and Hastings about eight miles away is 91,500 ish, and there are plenty of other largish towns within an hour's drive. There are a lot of people in our little island.
Anyway it was too wet and cold to want to leave the house today, garden looked after itself.