Since all month we will be having it in the 50'sf for the low and 70's for the high, they even predict it will be 80 f by Wednesday, did quite a bit in the Garden today.
Planted out my two tallest tomato plants with three marigolds in one raised bed. Since my snow peas pooped out due to the extreme cold I turned one bed of those under and planted bush beans in there. That bed already has a potato planted in on one side.
Then I harvested one of my cabages and some spinach in another bed and planted a pepper and a Courgette in there. Then in another raised bed planted a Courgette and Two Peppers that were growing so nicely together that I left the siamese twins conjoined but gave them more room to grow on the end of that bed.
I added mycorrhizal (probably spelt wrong) fungi to all my root balls and in the soil beneath my bush beans. Added Bio Char and fertilizer as well.
First thing I did was dig out that enormously ugly Mexican petunia that looked like an elephant sat on it !!

That thing spread runners all over, up and under my Irises so, eventhough it is not the time of year to move Iris, I had no choice but to do so to get the runners out. They look better now, anyways.
Right now I'm lounging with my Shiatzu back massager on and watching Gardeners World !!