What's happening in your garden today?

I put 3 Wheelbarrows of Rabbit droppings on Compost.

Took Wheelbarrow full of Ash out of the Ash Bin. Put most of it out for the Chickens to dust in. Put a little on the Compost.

Repotted a plant for my wife.

Fell lost my phone and glasses. Reached my phone. So I accidentally called my son in the city but he didn't answer. Tried calling my wife she didn't answer. Finally called my son that lives close by but he wasn't home so he called my wife and granddaughter. They got me up.

We was to have a guy clean our flue but he never did. Told my wife guess you don't want me cleaning the flue. No you are not getting up there.

So my day went well.

big rockpile
I put 3 Wheelbarrows of Rabbit droppings on Compost.

Took Wheelbarrow full of Ash out of the Ash Bin. Put most of it out for the Chickens to dust in. Put a little on the Compost.

Repotted a plant for my wife.

Fell lost my phone and glasses. Reached my phone. So I accidentally called my son in the city but he didn't answer. Tried calling my wife she didn't answer. Finally called my son that lives close by but he wasn't home so he called my wife and granddaughter. They got me up.

We was to have a guy clean our flue but he never did. Told my wife guess you don't want me cleaning the flue. No you are not getting up there.

So my day went well.

big rockpile
You sound like a bit of a liability mate. How in heaven's name do you manage to shift barrows full of anything anyway with your disabilities. You amaze me. What sort of injuries did you manage to suffer today then? We'll have to have a whip round and get you a suit of armour I think!!
I put 3 Wheelbarrows of Rabbit droppings on Compost.

Took Wheelbarrow full of Ash out of the Ash Bin. Put most of it out for the Chickens to dust in. Put a little on the Compost.

Repotted a plant for my wife.

Fell lost my phone and glasses. Reached my phone. So I accidentally called my son in the city but he didn't answer. Tried calling my wife she didn't answer. Finally called my son that lives close by but he wasn't home so he called my wife and granddaughter. They got me up.

We was to have a guy clean our flue but he never did. Told my wife guess you don't want me cleaning the flue. No you are not getting up there.

So my day went well.

big rockpile
You need one of those necklaces with the button you push that goes right to emergency servicer. The one where the lady in the tv commercials says: "Help, I've fallen and I can get up " !!
Seriously, you could've frozen to death out there before anyone came to help you !!😖
You need one of those necklaces with the button you push that goes right to emergency servicer. The one where the lady in the tv commercials says: "Help, I've fallen and I can get up " !!
Seriously, you could've frozen to death out there before anyone came to help you !!😖
They don't work. I fell one time in the Greenhouse didn't have my phone.

So I hollerd threw stuff at the glass. Started to break a Window. Decided that wasn't good idea being zero outside. Finally kicked some bags of soil out of the way and pulled myself up by grabbing a shelf.

Get in the house my wife thought I had come back in and she had went to bed.

Another time I went in the woods behind the house looking for leaf mold. Didn't find any top of the hill. Thought them leaves pilled up in the holler. I walked down just fine but found I couldn't walk uphill. So I was pulling my way up by pulling on trees.

I've doing pretty good lately.

big rockpile
Pretty wet and windy today. About 6 degrees C. A thin layer of ice on the pot pond in the garden this morning I put some new roofing felt on our twenty year old second hand shed a few days ago, so will go and check this today. Still solid - especially as a next plot's light galvanized shed has blown over twice onto our plot. They've removed and dismantled it now. I think they should have anchored it properly or fixed it to some strong hammered in stakes and it would have been ok.
Pretty wet and windy today. About 6 degrees C. A thin layer of ice on the pot pond in the garden this morning I put some new roofing felt on our twenty year old second hand shed a few days ago, so will go and check this today. Still solid - especially as a next plot's light galvanized shed has blown over twice onto our plot. They've removed and dismantled it now. I think they should have anchored it properly or fixed it to some strong hammered in stakes and it would have been ok.
Yep, it's 'orrible here too a bit of a let down after a lovely day yesterday. Having run a camping site here for about 40 years, it never failed to amaze me how thick people can be when erecting tents and awnings, especially the new, younger campers. One puff of wind and the tent sails away. A heavy rain shower, and I've seen an entire tent screwed up and stuffed into the rubbish bin, whilst the occupants have got into their cars and gone home :rolleyes: the oldies on site would refer to those as ''lightweights'' - the occupants, not the tents!
When I was a little boy we went camping in Cornwall, a camping site on a cliff top field. My brother and I shared a little two man US army tent that buttoned together down the ridge so each soldier could carry half a tent. I can just remember lying in it looking across the field where every other tent had blown down in a storm.
My good husband and I went to a Pow wow in central florida one time and pitched our tent on the edge of a wooded area, then it started raining. My husband was out there digging trenches around our tent to keep the water out. As it got dark another camper's children went floating by us on an air matress having the time of their lives floating about, giggling and laughing as their parents hollered at them to "get back here you two !!"

Yep, it's 'orrible here too a bit of a let down after a lovely day yesterday. Having run a camping site here for about 40 years, it never failed to amaze me how thick people can be when erecting tents and awnings, especially the new, younger campers. One puff of wind and the tent sails away. A heavy rain shower, and I've seen an entire tent screwed up and stuffed into the rubbish bin, whilst the occupants have got into their cars and gone home :rolleyes: the oldies on site would refer to those as ''lightweights'' - the occupants, not the tents!
My best Camping in the middle of nowhere, raining and in a Tent.

big rockpile
I did a bit of research about having multiple hedgehog houses, they only need to be sited a couple of metres apart.

So I've decided to put the second house in the left-hand corner of the garden behind the pagoda and the clump of black bamboo. This will be less exposed and therefore more attractive to a new tenant and far enough away from the one near the tea-house, to avoid confrontations. If I put food in front of each at the same time, there should be no problems.

After the 5 days in a row @ 19-20f for the low and my veg covered in snow...
Nothing much is worse for wear !! 🙂IMG_1655.webp
IMG_1659.webpCabbages were Completely covered by snow and the caleriac was too until today, and it looks perfect !! No damage. This goes to prove ( for me, anyway) that: so long as your veg has gradually gotten used to colder and colder temps they will survive well below the recommended killing frost temperatures. IMG_1656.webp
After the 5 days in a row @ 19-20f for the low and my veg covered in snow...
Nothing much is worse for wear !! 🙂View attachment 2788
View attachment 2789Cabbages were Completely covered by snow and the caleriac was too until today, and it looks perfect !! No damage. This goes to prove ( for me, anyway) that: so long as your veg has gradually gotten used to colder and colder temps they will survive well below the recommended killing frost temperatures. View attachment 2787
I reckon the snow covering actually acts as insulation and keeps ground level temps. only just below freezing when the air temperature drops well below sometimes, but those cabbages look lovely.
I reckon the snow covering actually acts as insulation and keeps ground level temps. only just below freezing when the air temperature drops well below sometimes, but those cabbages look lovely.
Thank you @olly-buckle. I didn't take pics of the snow peas. They are a bit shrivelly but still going, not dead yet and since it's in the 50's today, and the warmer temperatures predicted for the next week, will, most likely, give me a decent crop despite the stress they've been through. 🙂
Nothing to do in the garden today, but "for something to do," I went to B&Q near the Trafford Centre.
My wife had mentioned (twice) recently, that lower one of the peace lilies in the hanging baskets in the hall was dying.
This is because it gets less light from the window next to the landing on the stairs. What I should do, is swop them over regularly, but you know how it is. The lilies in a vase on the landing windowsill are artificial.

So I decided to replace them. But the only ones they had were about two feet tall. So I settled for two white Anthuriums at a tenner each.



The other peace lily is OK, for which I found a ceramic pot and it's now in the lounge.

I bought two paving stones for the hedgehouse base I need and a substantial plastic box I can convert to a new hedgehog feeder.

I'll have to do a bit of "fettling" to attach the entrance tube as the box has a couple of strengthening bars on each end. I'll use a fretsaw to cut the plastic, as they split easily.
I also bought a bag of compost, "for the sake of buying some," it always comes in handy.

But no change out of £55.
If there was ever a competition for 'Britons most cared for hedgehog population' I have a feeling you might win it, Sean. I was expecting you to say 'Put the feeder in the middle', not one each. :)

We'll still have the "Communal Feeder" in the middle of the main patio. It's mainly for the one in the house behind the wire fence and under the azaleas to the right of the patio. But it would be a pain to attempt to re-fill a feeder in there.

It's "cat proof."


As the pipe entrance is only 5" in diameter.


But that leads to confrontations.

So a small bowl in front of each of the other two houses will solve the problem.
Do they bite? Are they friendly toward people. Interesting, you should share some info on them

You'd have a hard job getting near one. They can run surprisingly fast for a small animal. They have small mouths and very tiny teeth. Their reaction, if you got near one and they aren't seen during the day unless they are unwell, is to curl up in a ball. If it's necessary to pick one up, you need gloves, as their spines are sharp.

As it wasn't too cold today, (+8c) I decided to get on with making the new, "hedgehog feeding station."
The plastic storage box I bought from B&Q was more substantial than the old one. Which was cracked in a few places and "hanging."
This one is intended to store suspended files, so it needs to be strong.
Should be, for £17.

The floor is reinforced. So as that becomes the roof, it should not split. A problem, sometimes, when plastic spends a lot of hours in the sun.
Likewise, the lid, which becomes the floor.


To fit the entry tunnel, I hade make a lot of small holes with a drill, as a Stanley knife won't cut it. Then join them all up with the blade of a fretsaw.


The old entrance surrounds wouldn't fit, so I had to make new ones for both sides.


Like the old ones, I covered them with waterproof tape before screwing them together.

All done and dusted. It's far more sturdy than the old one.
I'll put it out with just pellets in it, at the beginning of March, replace the trail cameras and see what happens.
