The Cactus Thread

Yep, Opuntia monacantha monstrose. All from the same mother plant 🙂

Your little Opuntia looks like an O. microdasys rufida 🙂
Ahh one Opuntia that I don’t have in my collection😬 they actually scare me cause of the glochids and I have three different types of Opuntia and I like them kinda, ooh let me right those names down 😁🌵
Just been sent an offer on some seeds Astrophytum on eBay until I looked where they come from Italy, as much as I would love to get some I don’t kinda trust these sales and plus they can get you with custom charges that they don’t tell you, I wonder if our local garden centres do them I’ve not seen any in the ones I have visited so far 😬😬🌵🌵
Just been sent an offer on some seeds Astrophytum on eBay until I looked where they come from Italy, as much as I would love to get some I don’t kinda trust these sales and plus they can get you with custom charges that they don’t tell you, I wonder if our local garden centres do them I’ve not seen any in the ones I have visited so far 😬😬🌵🌵

I don't think I've had much sucess with seed from Italy yet, but that may have been my fault. I think the seed I bought that wasn't what it was meant to be was from Serbia :cautious:
I don't think I've had much sucess with seed from Italy yet, but that may have been my fault. I think the seed I bought that wasn't what it was meant to be was from Serbia :cautious:
Yeah well that’s why I started to read the negative comments and people were saying there no good, you don’t get the right seeds and there wanting the first timers who don’t really no what there getting into, now if it had been from a uk or someone well known who’s trustworthy from over seas then fine, so I think il go back to the drawing board on that one 😬🌵🌵🌵
Oh wow, I don’t no what’s the fastest growing out of all the ones I’ve got especially the column ones 😬🌵🌵

You'll soon find out 😬 They'll slow down if there's not enough nutrient in the pot. I've got an Opuntia subulata which will happily grow a foot a year but my Brother has got one in a tiny pot that's years old and only 6 inches tall 🙄
You'll soon find out 😬 They'll slow down if there's not enough nutrient in the pot. I've got an Opuntia subulata which will happily grow a foot a year but my Brother has got one in a tiny pot that's years old and only 6 inches tall 🙄
That’s it isn’t it, I will be glad when all my cacti are sitting in some decent cactus soil rather then the stuff they came with from the garden centre, that reminds me I’m going to have to make up some kind of water collecting device for some rain water may just put out a big tub well it always rains in Yorkshire to be fair 🤣🌵🌵
Yep, if in doubt use rain water for cacti, there's more of them that don't like hard water than those that do so it's easier to add lime to the compost where needed 🙂

I just put a page on my website to promote the Cactus Club...
