My Austrocylindropuntia subulata lives in the unheated greenhouse all year round now as it got too big for the windowsills. I've had it over 30 years and it could be 50+ I don't find it a particularly rapid grower. It is a good example of what happens if you don't keep up with the skin care.
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Crassula ovata another one that got too big for the windowsills. However it does flower most years and again I've had it over 40 years. At one time mealy bug nearly finished it off and I restarted from a cutting (a bit like great granddads spade). I had it about 20 years before it flowered.
In the background is a psychopathic Fero cactus if you get too close it leaps onto your clothes and tries to get your throat, inside it was known to grab the curtains and throw it's pot at you, again I've had it decades and it is consigned to the greenhouse.
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