Wild Plum Jelly

Coincidentally, and since I love experimentation, I just today planted a plum seed in some starter soil, just for chardz and giggles !!

Plums were on sale. I bought half a dozen. They were very tasty !!
Coincidentally, and since I love experimentation, I just today planted a plum seed in some starter soil, just for chardz and giggles !!

Plums were on sale. I bought half a dozen. They were very tasty !!

Could be interesting, you might find it reverts to whatever the parent was. We picked 2 large bags of plums from a churchyard a few years ago, they looked good but they were so sharp they sucked your cheeks down your throat 😁
That'd be just my luck but they're pretty trees, so there is that. I' ll let you all know if it sprouts, and if I'm still alive when it fruits, how it tastes. 😄

😁 Might be good, I knew a hedge in Somerset where there were different trees that were a mix of Damson and Sloe hybrids, some were good, some were too tart, but it was fun trying them all 😁