Photography Competition

And there are so many categories besides the obvious !!
Garden Kitsch
Rainy day garden
Sunset garden
Birds in the garden
Bats in the garden (I love bats)
Tree canopies
Good dirt
Wheelbarrows full of weeds
etc, I could go on and on !!šŸ˜„
Ok then Mike, if we don't get going - even if only two or three of us try, we won't do it at all. My biggest problem is that I can't do photos on this dopey contraption, so Zigs would have to post mine for me :unsure: maybe ......
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Sorry AnnieKay but I think restricting the competitions just to nature and gardening, how ever much we love them, will become boring after a while and I think entries will fall. My suggestion of 'Free Rein' meant anything in or outside the garden like local scenery, even towns and villages. From an unusual building to an aeroplane, meaning that particular month's competition is open to everything - whatever catches our eye. But of course it's Mike's decision on how open the subjects will be. :)
Sorry AnnieKay but I think restricting the competitions just to nature and gardening, how ever much we love them, will become boring after a while and I think entries will fall. My suggestion of 'Free Rein' meant anything in or outside the garden like local scenery, even towns and villages. From an unusual building to an aeroplane, meaning that particular month's competition is open to everything - whatever catches our eye. But of course it's Mike's decision on how open the subjects will be. :)
That's a good idea to throw in off the wall subject matter from time to time; it would, definitely keep it more interesting.

Sidewalk cracks