
It's 8:00am, 11°F sun is coming out. Hope it stays. It's red lining in the greenhouse at 38°F. Hopefully sun will warm it quickly. Saving propane backup for next couple of days. It will be getting down to single digits at night the next couple of days. See we are on our 3rd vortex wave this winter.
62f and overcast. Got 7/8" rain in the last 24 hours, just a nice steady rain, not hard, harder than a light rain and it was nice enough to stop intermittently so I could walk the dog !! (Rags hates rain, prima donna, that dog !!) 😂

Tonight it goes back down around 29 with a lower wind chill, but my brassicas are used to that here and, oh, that reminds me: I need to go harvest some of them !! 😄