
It's raining, in the 40'sf and they said it would start raining monday morning. Of course, I thought they meant : "morning" as in sun,-up.
*shakes head back and forth*.
Nope, middle of the night so I again didn't get my rain gaige outside in time. 😕 .

@Logan that sky looks like pink cotton candy !! 🤗
Winter earlier in the week and summer today. It started off dull but by late morning the sun was here and I've been working outside in a vest type top. 🌞 I've not known it like this in January before, 15C/59F.
I'm loving hearing this because, I have a sneaking feeling that this year we got our coldest weather a month early and it's going to be a short winter. It's sunny and 57f here. I'm going to plant potatoes tomorrow, but only two of each, red norland and golden Yukon. I'll save the other 3 of each in case I'm wrong !!😆
I won't be fooled by a day here and there @Anniekay, we quite often get cold, snowy weather through February. We also get snow for a few days in April too, known as lamb snow here, which falls just as the lambs are being born. It must be quite a shock for them, poor little things.
I won't be fooled by a day here and there @Anniekay, we quite often get cold, snowy weather through February. We also get snow for a few days in April too, known as lamb snow here, which falls just as the lambs are being born. It must be quite a shock for them, poor little things.
We normally have no frost in December only towards the end of January and mid february. This year lste November and December were close to or below freezing every night. I'm going to take a chance with the potatoes because it gets hot here in April and last year I got only a dozen potatoes from 5 plants due to the heat.