

Well-known member
Kent UK
Hardiness zone
There was a blanket of fog covering us early this morning in this corner of the world, then the sun pushed through, so maybe I'll get some weeding done today 🙂 What's it like up your way @Logan ?
Have the storms left Texas yet?
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There was a blanket of fog covering us early this morning in this corner of the world, then the sun pushed through, so maybe I'll get some weeding done today 🙂 What's it like up your way @Logan ?
Have the storms left Texas yet?
Light cloud and sunny intervals with a gentle breeze from the south east temp 21c feels like 23c.
Supposed to get thunderstorms tomorrow.
We would lend a hand if you were next door, but we're too far away. I'm afraid Mrs Meadowlark will have to roll her sleeves up. Let's hope the storms won't be too bad for any of you. Fingers crossed.
We've got more rain coming tomorrow, which is about right considering I was wanting to cook outside for my mom for mother's day. Looks like the ol' propane grill in the shop it is! 🤦‍♂️
Seems to me that we're all getting more than a fair share of rain at the moment. Maybe we should start building arks, and collect a few animals - male and female of each (cor, aren't I daring for writing that) mumble mumble.....
It's that cold easterly that has put us back a bit this springtime, as well as the biting air temperatures! Something to do with the jet stream so I understand.
Not sure how much we got but it rained all through the night and is still raining today.

Will today bring the first random new member asking a veggie question? Looking forward to that.

It'll probably be a bit still on that. Google is just now starting to pick up our pages and it'll take a bit for them to start showing up higher in the search results. But, I'll do some advertising as soon as I know all the issues folks are having are fixed.
There was a Bing robot on last time I checked. Oliver Buckle went back to the other forum, and I told him how pleased I was to see him and explained where we were. I gave him a link, so we'll wait and see if or when.
That's a nifty rain gauge on your gate Meadowlark, We'll have to watch out for one like that.
Flood watch sounds terrifying. I shall think of you in my prayers tonight.
There are 3 Bing robots looking at the moment.

We need to be patient for the site to get established. The questions will come, but not immediately. It takes more than 5 minutes, so we will have to put up with chatting amongst ourselves until then. I've noticed though, already, the mood here is lighter and seems happier. We can always just enjoy the rest and do some planning.
Meadowlark, you have a book to write for starters !
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The rain has seemingly stopped for the night and a quick peak at the rain gauge showed an additional 3 inches of rain today.

Meadowlark Ranch is bordered on the West by a creek and on the East by another creek. Both are well out of their banks flooding both ends of the Ranch...fortunately we live in between on a hill. :)

It was the Western border creek that washed out some fencing which enabled some cows to journey almost a mile away to get in my neighbor's garden who is not a happy camper.

Being a gardener myself, I certainly can understand their frustration. I was out in the rain (and not singing,:() today in an effort to repair the fencing.

Three weeks into this rain siege and 47.5 inches of rain accumulated thus far...that's 1.2 meters for @Tetters ;)

How high's the water Papa?

How high's the water, mama?
Two feet high and rising
How high's the water, papa?
She said is two feet high and rising"

We can make it to the road in a homemade boat
That's the only thing we got left that'll float
It's already over all the wheat and the oats
Two feet high and rising

How high's the water, mama?
Three feet high and rising
How high's the water, papa?
She said is three feet high and rising"

Well, the hives are gone
I've lost my bees
The chickens are sleeping
In the willow trees
Cow's in water up past her knees
Three feet high and rising

How high's the water, mama?
Four feet high and rising
How high's the water, papa?
She said is four feet high and rising"

Hey, come look through the window pane
The bus is comin', gonna take us to the train
Looks like we'll be blessed with a little more rain
Four feet high and rising

How high's the water, mama?
Five feet high and rising
How high's the water, papa?
She said is five feet high and rising"

Well, the rails are washed out north of town
We gotta head for higher ground
We can't come back till the water goes down
Five feet high and rising
Well, it's five feet high and rising

Geeze! We haven't had nearly that much, but we definitely got a lot more today. Been raining all day long. Had to bring the Oklahoma Joe into the shop today and open all the doors so I could cook momma her mother's day steak. Got a little smokey in there before I cranked the big fan on...
