
Something I've noticed, the cat, and previous cats that lived with us, will suddenly start eating more, and then two days later the weather turns cold. The missus told me that when she worked fty for their maiin playgroup the pre school children were the same, suddenly the ones you had to remind to eat up sat down and ate everything, two days later ...i
Our bodies can tell us things, back in the sixties someone did an experiment with kids offering them twenty plates of food at two meals and fifty for their main meal, and measuring exactly what they ate. Up to the age of eight or ten they would pick a balanced diet, then social factors started to come into play.
He's in the Ozarks, Missouri Sheal, but I wonder if he'll find time for adjusting his profile at the moment.
My area is the Ozarks central highland region of mid Missouri. Pulaski County , 12 miles north of Ft. Leonard Wood, military base. 3 miles south of Crocker Missouri. Out in the country. Crocker is a very small railroad town. This region has deep river valleys , lots of caves & springs. If you were to look from the air, you would see the Gasconade river makes a horseshoe around us. It's a couple of miles to the west, and to the right. Believe it or not, a large cave runs east, west to the river underneath us!! Our well guy has pulled our pump before and said our well goes through a caves. I've had friends that have been all the way through it. Not me, I don't go back deep in caves!! Many of these were used by Native Americans for thousands of years as shelters. As is evident in the arrowheads, knife blades and other stone tools sometimes found washed out in front of or just inside these caves. Many farm fields near the rivers and many creeks plow up these artifacts . I have found many over the years at these places. Covered in oak, hickory, maple & red cedar woodlands. You can see some of this in my video shorts on " Morris Park in the Ozarks " YouTube.
Blimey Clyde @Euphorbia king 😱

Hang on in there and protect the cacti at all costs (Except the Opuntia humifusa, that can look after itself)
You bet!!! It has stood the test of time!!
Freezing drizzle has started. Have run cords , changed oil on generators, got 20 gallons of gas reserves, hay in the outside dog houses & heat lamps . Now we wait. Ridin the storm out , waiting for the thaw out , on a Freezing night in the Ozarks mountain winter!!! 🥶
Freezing drizzle has started. Have run cords , changed oil on generators, got 20 gallons of gas reserves, hay in the outside dog houses & heat lamps . Now we wait. Ridin the storm out , waiting for the thaw out , on a Freezing night in the Ozarks mountain winter!!! 🥶
Good luck @Euphorbia king and be sure to wear cleats on your boots so that you don't slide on the icey ground !!