New Pioneer Woman here.

My house survived!! The house shook for 7 hours straight!! 9:30pm-4:30am. Nobody slept. Sounded like shovels full of pebbles hitting the house and banshees screaming .
View attachment 1345my yard was completely impassable. Took me 2 hours to get the big branches out of my drive, but the car is ok, just a couple scrapes and dents.The roads were impassable until late Saturday night. No electric, no internet, no refrigerator, no stores or gas stations open. Cell towers down.
Today I drove for six hours getting supplies, gas and charging my phone. Cell towers were up again but it’s projected it may be after October 5 before we get power back.
AND… there is another storm forming in the tropics that is projected to hit fl and might even come the same path as Helene!!
Why not? The last three all came through here, why change a good thing!!
Anyway, thank you
@Tetters and
@Jersey Devil and all the rest of you for your concern !! Much appreciated!!
I think I may take up candle making as there isn’t much to do or see after dark around here unless I want to take up stargazing, that is
PS all my lovely spider lillies are no more. Everyone flattened under branches