What's happening in your garden today?

Sowed Red Baron Onions, Leaf Beet, Celery, Beetroot, more Leeks, Lettuce and some old Parsnip seed that I had left in a packet. I sowed some of Tetters saved Parsnip seed last week on some tissue paper covered up with cling film 🙂

Watered the Leeks and Giant Onions that I sowed on Boxing Day 🙂


No gardening today, I'm trying to keep off my lawn to give it a chance to recover from the winter. The patios need a bit of re-pointing, but that can wait until we get some warm weather. But I will repaint some of my garden woodwork before the wisteria blossoms get in the way.

I've some domestic chores to do today and I might get into one of my other hobbies.

My jukeboxes get little use in the winter, although I just play a few tracks each week, "as use is the best form of preventative maintenance." But the records in their carousels could do with being taken out and given a clean with record cleaning fluid. I do it every year.

The stylus does pass over a little brush before and after playing a record, so any lint gets removed. But that's not enough.

I'll also give both of them a drop of oil, "where it's supposed to go."
What I did was more weeding, weeding, weeding !! Under the rose bushes I had a hard time !! If I wasn't getting rose bushed in the head it was my arms !! Got half the front rose garden finished, filled an 11 gallon trug full of weeds !! 😄
Finished digging up some of the currant bushes and replaced with new ones. 3 bushes for £11.99. the one is only 1 stick but it's good for the price. Going to put some crocuses and tulips in the autumn.
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Maybe I missed something here Logan, is there a reason you had to ditch the currants. Could you not have just pruned them back a bit?
I'll bet you have rain to put water in them.

big rockpile

We do now, but last year we only had an inch and a half of rain all summer so it got a bit low. Any 2 liter soda bottles we have spare I fill with rainwater and keep under the decking in the greenhouse. It absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night so it evens the temperature out. Plus, if the barrels run dry we've got an emergency stash to water the cacti 🙂
We do now, but last year we only had an inch and a half of rain all summer so it got a bit low. Any 2 liter soda bottles we have spare I fill with rainwater and keep under the decking in the greenhouse. It absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night so it evens the temperature out. Plus, if the barrels run dry we've got an emergency stash to water the cacti 🙂
We have a problem 85% of the state is in a Drought but we're far worse.

Been watching Radar since we are elevated we will have a big area of rain coming for us. Thinking no way it will miss us.

Wrong it splits and goes around us.

We've only had few inches in three years.

Try to save some for my Worms.

big rockpile
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Rockers, I don't know whereabouts you are. If you fill in your profile, we would be able to see your location. You can even put in your Christian name if you feel like it. It's ok though, you don't need to say what you had for breakfast.
It seems awful not to have rain - even through the winter months.
We have a problem 85% of the state is in a Drought but we're far worse.

Been watching Radar since we are elevated we will have a big area of rain coming for us. Thinking no way it will miss us.

Wrong it splits and goes around us.

We've only had few inches in three years.

Try to save some for my Worms.

big rockpile

We're on top of the North Downs Mr Pile, we can just see the coast. The rain comes towards us and then goes either side of us too 😬