What's happening in your garden today?

Get a little spray bottle of saline solution from your Chemist. ( I think that's what you Brits call the Drug Store 😊) and spray that up your nostrils until you can blow all that dust out.

I have very dry sinuses so, I use it a couple times daily just to stave off nose bleeds from the dry heated or air conditioned air inside the house.
I usually just stick my head over the hot kettle for a bit. When I lived in London it was worse, cutting hedges near busy roads is a killer. I had a little plastic spray bottle I had emptied antihistamine nasal spray from and could refill with salt water, but they changed the design so they are single use. Never mind, it is not half as bad since I left the city. The underground was the worst, on the deep stations you can look down the platform and see a grey mist, that's a mixture of carbon from the motor brushes and asbestos from the brakes.
I usually just stick my head over the hot kettle for a bit. When I lived in London it was worse, cutting hedges near busy roads is a killer. I had a little plastic spray bottle I had emptied antihistamine nasal spray from and could refill with salt water, but they changed the design so they are single use. Never mind, it is not half as bad since I left the city. The underground was the worst, on the deep stations you can look down the platform and see a grey mist, that's a mixture of carbon from the motor brushes and asbestos from the brakes.

Reminds me of working on the Black Castle in Bristol Olly, all sorts of stuff in your hankie at the end of the day 😬
This actually happened in my garden yesterday !!
picked off all the lemons on my Meyer Lemon tree as they were falling from the tree like hail.!! 😄
Got one big one and have another one like it that's not fully ripe yet.
And picked and thinned some more Buttercrunch lettuce for a salad.
So, far, ( knock wood) no slugs or worms in the lettuce at all !!😊
I went around with my wheelbarrow picking up sticks. After the sticks are all gone I have leaves starting to fall and those I'll use my blower, then put them in plastic bags for leaf mold.
The sticks go into the bottom of my three raised beds that I moved which are now in the sun and will have sticks filling up the bottom so that when I put the compost and garden soil in, it won't take too much to fill them.
In the greenhouse.

My rosemary continues to grow. As does my mystery plant, aloe, wandering jew, curry plant, cannabis, cherry tomato and cucumber vines. The cherry tomato plant is probably around 6 foot high now and I'll have to start training it along the twine. The cucumbers are almost certainly not going to produce anything worthwhile. I believe I underwatered them the entire duration of their short lives. They do have flowers on them, but the vines are less than 12" tall. The wandering jew literally won't stop wandering. It grows effortlessly.
Picked off the Bridgewater bean seeds. I left them on the plants to dry off but with all the rain we've had I thought they'd be better off drying undercover.


Also planted out the spare cabbage plants in the polytunnel, bit late to plant them outside now.

I started these end of July indoors, that's why they're this far along. I don't have a greenhouse or poly tunnel to help me grow veg outside in winter, so I get the early start to get veg finished before the real freeze in late February.

I did most of mine in the summer, they just stop growing when it gets colder here though 😬
Too wet to do any gardening, not that there's much to do.
So I found myself a job after I did a load of washing..well..not me..the washing machine and tumble dryer.

I bought this small TV for my wife when she was for a month in the "half way house" for more physio after she left hospital before she came home.
Since she's been home, we haven't really a use for it. So I stuck it in my "office," (box bedroom) upstairs. I'd my old VHS recorder/player and a spare
CD/DVD player, so I connected them both up. There was already an aerial feed and I've an internet connection via an adapter connected to the mains supply. I needed a scart to USB lead for both the old machines as they have no USB sockets.
So they are all up and running.


Not that I'm ever likely to use them much, any more than the spare tuner/amp that's up there too. (I've another on a shelf)


But I have several VHS tapes of film noir that have not yet come round again on TV.
Now that I'm through my busiest time of the year at work, it's time to get back to things that I want to do! My son is going to the garden today to do a little weed pulling and we'll soon start coming up with a plan and start putting together our drip lines. This year we're hoping to have the entire garden, except the potatoes, under drip irrigation.

Also, we do still have a few purple cabbage that hasn't frozen out yet. I'm not sure how, because the animal's water has had ice in it about every day for the past week, but I guess the soil must be just warm enough to keep it alive. Still not sure if we'll be able to harvest it, but there's still hope as of yesterday!
Now that I'm through my busiest time of the year at work, it's time to get back to things that I want to do! My son is going to the garden today to do a little weed pulling and we'll soon start coming up with a plan and start putting together our drip lines. This year we're hoping to have the entire garden, except the potatoes, under drip irrigation.
Putting in drip lines changed the game for me. Entirely.
Putting in drip lines changed the game for me. Entirely.

It will be a real time-saver for me, and help be sure the garden gets sufficient water during the hot Texas days of 100+ with basically 0% humidity. We did a few plants under drip last year and they did fantastic. Looking forward to having it on almost everything this year!