
Olly, is there any way to fix this kind of time clock onto a modern gas heating system now? It would certainly be jolly useful, especially as they are predicting power cuts in the near future. We also wondered if it would be possible to fire a gas heating system with a generator?
TBH I really don't know, that was over 50 years ago and things have moved on quite a bit since then, but when I google Sangamo Weston who were the main manufacturers it shows me very similar looking devices, as do Horstmann gear co. There must still be plenty of them fitted, I once repaired a Horstmann for a gas heating system in a shop. That was fitted with a clock mechanism with jewelled bearings and dated from the 1930's. I especially remember it because it was returned three times and then an engineer came round to demonstrate it wasn't working, it was, it had a gravity switch and they had been fitting it upside down, red faces and apologies.
TBH I really don't know, that was over 50 years ago and things have moved on quite a bit since then, but when I google Sangamo Weston who were the main manufacturers it shows me very similar looking devices, as do Horstmann gear co. There must still be plenty of them fitted, I once repaired a Horstmann for a gas heating system in a shop. That was fitted with a clock mechanism with jewelled bearings and dated from the 1930's. I especially remember it because it was returned three times and then an engineer came round to demonstrate it wasn't working, it was, it had a gravity switch and they had been fitting it upside down, red faces and apologies.
Things might have moved on a bit since then, but so often I think, not for the better. I used to help repair TV's and radios, and had a whole shed full of valves and capacitors and other bits. I wouldn't even be able to start on a repair now - they seem to make stuff that can't be repaired and require us all to spend on more new stuff. More greed, and more waste!
I have fog, drizzle, mist, overcast and damp now again for the fourth day and then they say it will keep on until Sunday when a storm that's headed this way from the Gulf of Mexico will be here.

The good part is that I haven't had to water the veg and it's been staying at 61 degrees day and night.
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roll on springtime.


Love the picture,It's 9 weeks to springtime, so hubby said, he expects it to be better.

roll on springtime.


Love the picture,It's 9 weeks to springtime, so hubby said, he expects it to be better.

Another 2 weeks and we'll be out of the Doldrums Logan 🙂

By that I mean that the solar panels will start to get a charge again, the sun is too low and behind too many trees and bushes to hit the panels even when it does come out at the moment 😬

Still a bit misty here

It started raing aroud 8-8:30am. Good sized storm that caused tornadoes last night west of me in Texas and Louisiana. A bit of gusty winds and a tornado watch.
View attachment 2415
Well at least it's warm and lively. our lights are still out and it's chilly. Don't enjoy the doldrums 😣
They said there'd be snow at Christmas
They said there'd be peace on Earth
Instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the Virgin birth
They are so often telling porkies, especially that Michael Fish.