While that may be so, we couldn't get 100,000 for our place. And not on a half acre. We are on 4 acres. To build a new greenhouse ( mine cost about 9000 using some scrap materials from old shipping crates) and we had an old add on from a house trailer that is my little shop. The greenhouse was built onto that. Then sided with metal siding, roofing for shop side. Very expensive to rebuild. I have a few hundred cactus, Euphorbia, aloes, haworthias and others inside. To rebuild, truck all those plants, move, would be impossible. Our place is worth about 45000 here. And as I said, moving is expensive. I was a mover for 39 years. Figure for a moving company to come in and ship just house hold goods is over 1000 dollars for 1000 lbs. Not counting plants which I would have to move myself since moving companies don't ship plants. Also, no telling when your plants would get there depending on how many other shipments have to be delivered first and where if they did. To get an idea of what I mean about greenhouse content go to " Morris Park in the Ozarks" on YouTube to my channel. I already did the plant move once from California 41years ago with a lot less plants. There's twice that now. When you put all of this together, it becomes VERY expensive. And a bit difficult for plants like my Euphorbia abyssinica which is 8 ft tall.