Does Helpers Make You Lazy

big rockpile

Well-known member
Hardiness zone
I already have a Lift Chair and I feel it makes me Lazy. But yes I'm hard on a Chair getting up.

I have trouble putting on my shoes because I only have one good Arm.

My wife suggested i get slip on shoes . Once again feel this is being Lazy.

big rockpile
No Rockers, being sensible is nothing at all like being lazy. I, for example have never been lazy in my life. I KNOW that for sure, but these days I have to be sensible and do a lot of stuff differently. Best thing you can do is listen to your long suffering and lovely wife!! What's wrong with slip on shoes anyhow?
We have to be thankful for what we are able to do, and try to keep smiling 😊
Doctor said for me to use a Walker, finally started using a Cane but still leave it if I feel it will be in the way.

Had Wheelchair for awhile . Sure don't want my wife driving she is bad about leaving me or just letting me go, like one time I went for a ride through women's undies at Walmart.

Been exercising seems to help with my balance but not helping with strength in my Legs.

big rockpile
I second what Tetters said.
You have to do as much as possible but take into consideration your limitations.
Unfortunately, because of my wife's disability, "I can't afford limitations."
As I do the cooking, cleaning, washing and the shopping and have done on my own for the last several years.

Fortunately, I've always been reasonably fit. Even when I had a hip replacement when I was 69, sixteen years ago, I was back playing golf in seven weeks. I don't exercise, playing golf (weather permitting) three times a week and looking after the garden, I think, is more than enough exercise. Though when I do the shopping, I always walk at a reasonably brisk pace and don't use escalators or lifts.
Sometimes, doing the shopping can involve going to a few shops, to get "the right item" that's on "the list," which can be annoying.

It would be pointless complaining, as I could expect my wife's usual response.

"When I did the shopping, I didn't have a car, I did it with three kids, a push chair, Seven carrier bags and we went on the bus!"

We often smile, as the number of carrier bags increases every time she says it.
I was hobbling about with 2 broken feet a few years back until Daughter Willow dragged me into a shop and made me buy a walking stick.

Wish I'd done it weeks before now, not only did it make walking easier but it was great when we went to National Trust places, they took one look at the stick and got the mini bus/ golf cart/ landrover for us 😎
I told my little 5year old neighbor girl that I had to walk six blocks to school in a foot of snow sometimes.
She asked: "Why didn't your mother drive you ?"
"We didn't have a car." I replied
She thought for a moment and said: "Then why didn't you call a Cab?"
"Because we didn have a phone." I said.
She looked at in total wonderment 😯 "Boy", she said "you must be really, really old !!"

I almost peed myself laughing !!
Oh people here have me in a Wheelchair. Making changes in the house for it.

My wife said I get to it Wheelchair I would be tied to it. Know a guy in better shape than me he went to a Wheelchair and doing this made him worse.

Got Hearing Aids I still can't hear well but better with them. I don't have any teeth. Everyone why don't you get False? My wife has False and has had so much trouble. I figure just Gum it.

big rockpile
I think the Lord has a way of humbling. I use a Belt tied to a pull bar in the tub to get off the stool.

My wife bought a New Rug put in front of the tub. Well this morning I went to pull myself up off the stool but the rug slipped I went down . Tried pulling myself up but couldn't. So by chance my wife was home and she got me up.

Normally she would be gone. I told her need an elevated seat on the stool and someone has to check on me every couple hours.

Oh so humbling. I was one that no one could outdo me drinking, fighting or hunting.

As matter fact I have two Trophies for Ultimate Outdoor Person of the year.

But the Lord is saying you are not all that.

big rockpile
In my early teens, when I lived with my parents, "our phone was in a red box on the other side of the road."
We had an arrangement with other "phoneless near neighbours." Friends and relatives could call this number in the summer when you left windows open and you'd hear it ringing. Someone would answer it if they were expecting a call or determine who the caller wanted and they'd knock on their door to let them know, or just wave to them if they'd heard it ringing too and it was for them.
Yes making changes. Need elevated stool seat and someone to check on me regular.

I was very lucky my wife was home but it's a holiday. She got me up. If she hadn't been home I would have been there all day.

big rockpile
I think the Lord has a way of humbling. I use a Belt tied to a pull bar in the tub to get off the stool.

My wife bought a New Rug put in front of the tub. Well this morning I went to pull myself up off the stool but the rug slipped I went down . Tried pulling myself up but couldn't. So by chance my wife was home and she got me up.

Normally she would be gone. I told her need an elevated seat on the stool and someone has to check on me every couple hours.

Oh so humbling. I was one that no one could outdo me drinking, fighting or hunting.

As matter fact I have two Trophies for Ultimate Outdoor Person of the year.

But the Lord is saying you are not all that.

big rockpile
Well Rockers, I think you'd better start listening to the Lord. He AND your wife cannot be wrong. Why don't you have a shower. You can put a nice plastic chair in there and sit under it with your back scrubber like a king - just make sure you don't drop the soap!! The more you help yourself by being really sensible, the more you help her as well - surely she deserves a medal as well as a bit of help when you are so downright stubborn. By the way, those walkers can be brilliant if used the right way, you can fix hooks on them and tie them down tight. Then you can hang all your gardening stuff on them and have it handy when you need it. With one of those in Walmart you can give the ladies' underwear department a wide berth and even help to carry your wife's shopping on the handles! Then you will be the hero again - and she may even get you a new medal 😃
Well Rockers, I think you'd better start listening to the Lord. He AND your wife cannot be wrong. Why don't you have a shower. You can put a nice plastic chair in there and sit under it with your back scrubber like a king - just make sure you don't drop the soap!! The more you help yourself by being really sensible, the more you help her as well - surely she deserves a medal as well as a bit of help when you are so downright stubborn. By the way, those walkers can be brilliant if used the right way, you can fix hooks on them and tie them down tight. Then you can hang all your gardening stuff on them and have it handy when you need it. With one of those in Walmart you can give the ladies' underwear department a wide berth and even help to carry your wife's shopping on the handles! Then you will be the hero again - and she may even get you a new medal 😃
Oh we have a shower and I have a Walker it is good but I still fall with it. I have a seat for the shower for now not good.

Probably messed things up yesterday me and my son got into it.

He was wanting to take the motor off one garage door and put it on another. So he could build another room in the garage.

I told him no. Well why didn't you bring this up before? Because I knew you would get mad. Oh i an't going to get mad then he got mad.

They was building a store I told him I thought the stuff in the garage was temporary it was going in the store. No that is for your plants.

I told him when I bought this place it had a two car garage and shop you have already taken the shop away and your not going to take the garage.

big rockpile
Oh we have a shower and I have a Walker it is good but I still fall with it. I have a seat for the shower for now not good.

Probably messed things up yesterday me and my son got into it.

He was wanting to take the motor off one garage door and put it on another. So he could build another room in the garage.

I told him no. Well why didn't you bring this up before? Because I knew you would get mad. Oh i an't going to get mad then he got mad.

They was building a store I told him I thought the stuff in the garage was temporary it was going in the store. No that is for your plants.

I told him when I bought this place it had a two car garage and shop you have already taken the shop away and your not going to take the garage.

big rockpile
When my son gave me a bit of hassle I gave him a one way ticket to Australia. That was years ago, and he's still there now :giggle:
It's not about being lazy, rather it's about working the body -- the entire body. I often get into arguments with fellow cyclists about the importance of strength training, simply because cycling makes certain parts of the body strong, but ignores other parts of the body, which over time, especially for us aging folks, (I'm 60), we start very much feeling these imbalances in muscle strength. a good example is the amount of quad-use vs hamstring-use by cyclists (and runners -- I also have very similar differences with my fellow runners). It's also true for us gardeners.

Muscle strength imbalances lead to greater joint pains. And stretching on its own is not good enough, but stretching combined with full-body-motion strength exercises are the ticket.

You don't use it, you lose it. I know it's cliché sounding, but it's so freakin' true.

For rehabilitating the body and building strength here are two good sources. Both have their own YouTube channels with much more content. We start losing muscle mass at around age 30, albeit very slowly, but as we age, that process speeds up greatly.

I exercise in the morning stretching and have a dumbell I work with.

I use to Jog and work out with weights many years ago.

Moved here I started going to the Y but I started getting in such bad shape and they are good about just calling an Ambulance.

I think what I'm doing now keeps me from falling most the time.

Went to the Hospital yesterday for Phisycal and caught a bug. Sicker than I've been for 40 years.

big rockpile
Oh dear, hurry up and get better!!
especially for us aging folks, (I'm 60),
You poor old thing 😧 I had my first child 60 years ago! Of course, you are definitely right about ''using it or losing it'' I've had a very active life at work and other activities, including building work (heavy stuff) -speed roller skating, swimming and cycling. I've also walked for miles, including the entire Kent coastline and many country hikes. I was still that fit until the end of 2019 when man made problems slowed me down to a halt, and with a bump. Life is different now - I still try to do things, but the frustration sometimes of realising that I just can't, and that I could cause problems for others if I try and fail, can drive me to the pits. It seems to me that we sometimes have to back off gracefully, and accept it with a smile (if possible).
The first time I had problems i was out scouting before Deer Season.

I had several places of interest on my GPS.

I started back to my Pickup. I could see my Pickup but was having a heck of time getting to it.

big rockpile