
Excellent Cindi :)

I didn't even think about planting any this year, the spring was so bad it's been struggle to get things to grow.

Here's some pics from a few years back though :)



Barney and Poppy 😁

The missus has grown some like that this year, she has had all my big pots for sunflowers because they will not face the way she wants and it allows her to turn them around. Strangely they do not seem to face the sun, but always over the neighbour's fence in the opposite direction, unless she plants them next to the fence the other side when they face the other neighbour. Now they get turned to face just where she wants them to.
Ha ha, Olly, there's nothing quite like a nosy sunflower. Does it report back to you? What a good hiding place for a mini surveillance camera!
What a good hiding place for a mini surveillance camera!

Only until it decides it's ready to look directly into the sun. :oops:

On topic, though, we have a one acre lot next to my mom's house and she was just telling me a few weeks back how she'd like to plant some sunflowers there. I don't think she was talking about the giants ones though. I'm thinking she's talking about the smaller ones. These would be awesome to see in a full acre though, if they'd grow there!
Only until it decides it's ready to look directly into the sun. :oops:

On topic, though, we have a one acre lot next to my mom's house and she was just telling me a few weeks back how she'd like to plant some sunflowers there. I don't think she was talking about the giants ones though. I'm thinking she's talking about the smaller ones. These would be awesome to see in a full acre though, if they'd grow there!
They are supposed to put stuff into the soil that deters other plants, you might have a problem with a crop the year after.
They are supposed to put stuff into the soil that deters other plants, you might have a problem with a crop the year after.

They grow around here randomly in the fields. They're pretty much looked at like a weed. Leave it to my mom, though, to want to plant it. I'm sure her neighbors will love those seeds blowing around. 😂
Found this,
"Of all the issues with sunflowers, perhaps the most interesting and dire is their tendency to repress the growth of other plants. This is because sunflowers are allelopathic - they exude toxins that stop nearby plants from growing."
I don't know how severe it is with sunflowers, I heard a man who grew elderflowers saying they did the same thing, he scrapped a field that was getting old. He left it fallow for three years and then replanted, and they still didn't take properly.
Don't worry about the seeds blowing about, Mike, they are large, for seeds, heavy things. Birds love them, it's probably them that spread them, edible for humans too.