The Glastonbury Thorn


Well-known member
Kent, England
Hardiness zone
In Glastonbury, Somerset, England there is a Hawthorn tree growing in the churchyard that flowers around Christmas time.

This tree is a cutting of a cutting that, legend has it, grew from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea when he thrust it into a hill in the town.

It's since been cut down by Roundheads/vandals and so on but someone usually had a cutting of it to replace the original.

I've seen the tree flowering at Christmas and they traditionally give a flowering sprig to the King or Queen of England.

Botanically the tree isn't the same as the local Hawthorns that grow all over England but an early variety (Praecox) that is more common in the Middle East.

I don't have a picture of the tree but here's a picture of me, and mum and dad, in Joseph of Arimathea's Garden in Jerusalem 50 odd years ago.

Garden Tomb.webp

I'm the skinny one standing up looking at the big Agave.
It's a really dismal area, I've been there a few times, each time in fog and drizzle. I don't know how the people that live there stand it.

"Rhythm of the seasons, the wind and the rain.

Dryness and heat, and then the wind again.

Always the wind.

And rain.

Which is the sadness we ascribe to nature, who feels nothing...."

Welsh Poetry :rolleyes: