Photo Competition - December - Winner

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Well-known member
Kent, England
Hardiness zone
Pleased to announce this months winner is @DrCase 🎉✨🎈🎉✨🎈

Well done to all who entered ☺️

No, they're the small house cats. The good news is few folks around here probably have a mouse/rat problem.
That's what I would have mentioned next ☺️ When our new neighbour moved in, she brought four loud alsatian dogs, and a whole lot of cats. The cats always poop in next doors garden - never in their own, so they contributed to the fertiliser in the garden which was fun :sick:
Is cat manure actually organic, for use as fertilizer? I thought, since they eat primarily meat, their manure would probably do more harm in the garden than good.
Is cat manure actually organic, for use as fertilizer? I thought, since they eat primarily meat, their manure would probably do more harm in the garden than good.
I'm not sure, but it soon dries out if it's sunny. The trouble was, I sometimes forget to put my garden gloves on, but even if I do remember I have to keep on washing them - so now I have two pairs in case.
When it rains a lot, I have to suffer, and that's all there is to that!!
Is cat manure actually organic, for use as fertilizer? I thought, since they eat primarily meat, their manure would probably do more harm in the garden than good.
No, cat poop is not good fo the garden and cats have something in their poop that Doctors tell pregnant women not to clean cat boxes, it can hurt the fetus whatever it is.