B big rockpile Well-known member Hardiness zone 6b Friday at 4:19 PM #1 What is it? It is small and I planted several but like them. big rockpile
Anniekay Well-known member Location Quitman, Ga. Hardiness zone 9a Friday at 5:15 PM #2 Gerber daisy. (Gerbera Daisy)They are really good, they flower spring through fall !!
B big rockpile Well-known member Hardiness zone 6b Friday at 5:27 PM #3 Anniekay said: Gerber daisy. (Gerbera Daisy)They are really good, they flower spring through fall !! Click to expand... Cool hope to have a bunch. We got some from the Amish. big rockpile
Anniekay said: Gerber daisy. (Gerbera Daisy)They are really good, they flower spring through fall !! Click to expand... Cool hope to have a bunch. We got some from the Amish. big rockpile
Anniekay Well-known member Location Quitman, Ga. Hardiness zone 9a Friday at 5:33 PM #4 big rockpile said: Cool hope to have a bunch. We got some from the Amish. big rockpile Click to expand... I bought a hanging basket, for about 8 or 9 bucks last spring, that had 4 Gerber daisies in it so I separated them and put them in my border. Great deal at 2 bucks a plant !!
big rockpile said: Cool hope to have a bunch. We got some from the Amish. big rockpile Click to expand... I bought a hanging basket, for about 8 or 9 bucks last spring, that had 4 Gerber daisies in it so I separated them and put them in my border. Great deal at 2 bucks a plant !!