Garden butterflies

The only one I know the name of is the first one you posted. It's a Swallowtsil and they can get very large. I used to try and catch them in a big glass jar when I was a kid. Didn't have much success, though.
The only one I know the name of is the first one you posted. It's a Swallowtsil and they can get very large. I used to try and catch them in a big glass jar when I was a kid. Didn't have much success, though.
When I first started this thread, I did not know the name of any of them...only knew the Monarch and haven't seen it yet. I'm really enjoying getting to know them better. They are so beautiful and so critical to our gardens.

By the way, allow me to welcome you to our Forum.
Tough Id today. This smallish butterfly is somewhat elusive. The closest I can come on Id is the Fiery Skipper.

Anyone have a better idea ...@Sheal ?

"The fiery skipper, Hylephila phyleus (Drury), is a common butterfly in the family Hesperiidae . Hylephila phyleus is widely established across the southern United States and Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, and lower elevations of South America to Argentina . Adults are often seen flying near flowers. "

Fiery Skipper.JPG

small ufo  2.JPG
For the ones who grow brassicas, cabbageworm moths have a hand in pollinating my watermelons and cucumbers. Not as pretty though.

I was at the VA hospital today and saw a Monarch in 3 pieces. Two tail pieces and a head peice with two wings. I bet a bird caught it and ate the body portion.