Cauliflower Still Safe To Eat?


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North Texas
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Ok, so I've got a few questions about these.

The first one I'm assuming is easiest. Why are these cauliflower turning yellow/brownish in color and are they still safe to eat? I'm assuming it's because of sun exposure, and should be harmless, but I wanted to ask to be sure.


Second, notice how these both have those small black specks. I'm assuming it's worm/bug droppings and they do wash off just fine. I'm wondering, though, is that what I'm dealing with, and are they still safe to eat once cleaned?

Well I believe they are actually a cool season crop and if so since we are less than 2 weeks from the longest day of summer I would say you have done a great job! bon appetite!
Yes on the sun exposure. Some people actually tie up the leaves over the head to blanch out color but it all pretty much tastes the same. Sometimes it can be due to oxidation also days after harvest but not in your case.

Yes, looks like several worms have been dining on the cauliflower leaves and left their calling cards. Harmless but not appetizing...consider it the mark of an organic gardener ;)
We went ahead and harvested them all today. We'll be sure to wash them very well so hopefully the bug droppings won't affect the taste too much. Thank y'all for the replies! Cauliflower will be one of the things on tomorrow's menu.