roadrunner Member Location Jacksonville, Fl Hardiness zone 9b Thursday at 6:17 AM #123 Red-Shouldered Hawk
Jersey Devil Well-known member Hardiness zone 6b Thursday at 6:21 AM #124 roadrunner said: Red-Shouldered Hawk Click to expand... Amazing pictures
Zigs Well-known member Administrator Location Kent, England Hardiness zone 9a Friday at 3:52 PM #125 This morning's Pigeon
Zigs Well-known member Administrator Location Kent, England Hardiness zone 9a Yesterday at 3:13 PM #127 We've not seen any spotted woodpeckers for about 4 years now They disappeared around the time of the drought and the arrival of next door's cats.
We've not seen any spotted woodpeckers for about 4 years now They disappeared around the time of the drought and the arrival of next door's cats.
Zigs Well-known member Administrator Location Kent, England Hardiness zone 9a Today at 1:02 PM #128 Male Blackbird and Sparrow
Anniekay Well-known member Location Quitman, Ga. Hardiness zone 9a Today at 1:30 PM #129 Zigs said: Male Blackbird and Sparrow View attachment 3317 Click to expand... I notice your blackbirds have orangey- yellow beaks and all of ours are totally black, beak and all. sometimes the beaks are very dark gray, though. Even our Redwinged blackbirds have black beaks, and the crows too !!
Zigs said: Male Blackbird and Sparrow View attachment 3317 Click to expand... I notice your blackbirds have orangey- yellow beaks and all of ours are totally black, beak and all. sometimes the beaks are very dark gray, though. Even our Redwinged blackbirds have black beaks, and the crows too !!
Zigs Well-known member Administrator Location Kent, England Hardiness zone 9a Today at 1:34 PM #130 Only the boy Blackbird has got the bright beak over here, Mrs Blackbird is more subtle I'll try and get a pic of her too
Only the boy Blackbird has got the bright beak over here, Mrs Blackbird is more subtle I'll try and get a pic of her too