Zucchini/summer squash


Hardiness zone
so this is the light day. 4 zucc and 1 yellow.

Yesterday was 6 zucc and 2 yellow.
I will end up with about 12 zucc per day and 6 yellow.
The family eats fresh almost every day and we dehydrate/seal/freeze the rest.
Regardless of how great the plants look I pull them and burn them 7/1.
I have 15 more plants that I start inside for a late summer harvest.
No squash in my garden from 07/01 till 08/15ish.

Zero issues with squashbugs since I started this way.


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so this is the light day. 4 zucc and 1 yellow.

Yesterday was 6 zucc and 2 yellow.
I will end up with about 12 zucc per day and 6 yellow.
The family eats fresh almost every day and we dehydrate/seal/freeze the rest.
Regardless of how great the plants look I pull them and burn them 7/1.
I have 15 more plants that I start inside for a late summer harvest.
No squash in my garden from 07/01 till 08/15ish.

Zero issues with squashbugs since I started this way.
I'm just a bit miffed, as slugs ate all of mine ! Nothing left for any squash bugs here :rolleyes: