Which Is Better Water Or Soil?

Soil. BUT, some things will make quick roots in water. I only propagate stuff in water if they say it will root quickly in water. You can't propagate most seeds without soil unless they are a very large seed like in avocados and such.
Rockers, what do you want to propagate? I used to propagate shrubs and climbers as a job when I worked at the nursery.
Snake Plant, Wax Begonias and Geraniums. For now.

Already have some it soil. And some in water.

big rockpile
I definitely would propagate all of these in soil/compost. Generally speaking, although cuttings will probably make roots in water, they seem to be much more sturdy roots when grown in compost, or soil.
They need good drainage, and some bottom heat if possible. Roots which are produced from water cuttings are usually not so robust, and they are harder to pot up without damaged the fine roots.
Feeding cuttings is not a good idea, and they are best fed when they have made roots and been potted.. (that's just in my own experience)
Of course they always grow better if you talk to them ;)
Water or Soil? Neither will work if oxygen is absent. A well drained mix of some organic matter and plenty of grit and or perlite, stick in cuttings water, allow excess to drain and place in bag and seal to maintain humidity. Stick somewhere warm and light and don't feed until you have roots and the top is starting to grow.
Anywhere really, when the urge to propagate hits you whats the difference where you are... as long as you don't get arrested😙
Passers-by called 911. They saw a man holding another down on the ground while holding a trowel full of dirt in his right hand. "Why are you arresting me Officer?" Jersey Devil asked.
" Illegal planting sir." said the Police Officer. "But Officer, this guy has big dirty ears and I was always told that you could grow potatoes in there", Jersey Devil replied.