Two Fertilizer

big rockpile

Active member
Hardiness zone
Have you ever used two Fertilizers then wonderd which your plants reacted to?

I was having trouble with my root plants. I thought well maybe some Wood Ash. Really didn't wait and put Fish Fertilizer on them.

Either way they are very happy.

big rockpile
I've used two or more fertilizers when I know what's going on and know that the plant needs both. I have a Camellia bush outside that needs sulphur applied yearly and also, Hollytone fertilizer since it tends to have pale green instead of fully green leaves, I also give that one fish fertilizer and some nitrogen. That greens it up until late summer when I give it another dose.

I think there's something about the soil where it's planted because all the other camellias and the hollies and other bushes there are super healthy.

They used to burn coal in my house. My fireplaces are all coal burning and since they used to dump the coal in the yard, (I dig that stuff up all the time) I think there's a deposit of coal under that plant and that may be what's causing it to not thrive.
Got me to thinking about my Blueberries need to hit them with some Sulfur and I'm thinking a mix of Fish Fertilizer and Molasses.

Long as they don't die I'll be fine. LOL

big rockpile