Suggestions on pruning


Active member
Quitman, Ga.
Hardiness zone
I bought this "Tree" as a "Bush Apricot" in 2022. It came bareroot and, at the time, I was not decided as to where to plant it, so I potted it. I kept moving the pot here and there and ruminating on it's final home.

Finally, last year in spring, I planted it and it leapt !! It has to be at least 12' tall.
Any suggestions on how to prune it to mayIMG_20240725_080540.webpbe get it back to at least a " short enough to pick" form? I have cut a few lower branches off, probably a big mistake? They were shading my corn.

I wish it would sucker, but I haven't seen a single shoot coming from the ground as of yet?
I like the open center approach to pruning them and also peach trees. Allows better fruit ripening . Facilitates better air circulation and light penetration which are important factors in reducing disease such as brown rot.

In addition, I like to be able to pick the fruit without ladders.

So, my approach would be when the tree is dormant, remove any crossing branches and trim the remaining ones back a few feet as illustrated by the blue cut marks below.

pruned treeIMG_20240725_080540.webp
I like the open center approach to pruning them and also peach trees. Allows better fruit ripening . Facilitates better air circulation and light penetration which are important factors in reducing disease such as brown rot.

In addition, I like to be able to pick the fruit without ladders.

So, my approach would be when the tree is dormant, remove any crossing branches and trim the remaining ones back a few feet as illustrated by the blue cut marks below.

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I'm hoping it's not going to keep getting taller. I was thinking about copicing it, like when people commit " Crepe Murder" on Crepe Myrtles and then they sucker, but I'm afraid it might set it back too much and I'd be many years without it fruiting.?? What thinks you?