Seeds and Seedlings


Well-known member
Ross-shire Scotland
Hardiness zone
Seeds from a Crinodendron 'Hookerianum', the only ones on a shrub in my garden. They are about the same size as a pearl but egg shaped. Having done a little research they grow true to the mother plant, so thought - let's give them a go.

Crinodendron seed pod.webp

Research suggested sowing them and putting them outside for a winter cold spell and they would germinate in spring. But my area has had a sunny and warm autumn and all but one has germinated.


With snow forecast next week I couldn't leave them outside and I now have the problem of getting them through the winter without becoming leggy due to lack of light. I'll pot them on this weekend and try to find somewhere cool but bright for them indoors.
What a brilliant result! It will be interesting to watch how they fare. They do eventually make a small tree, but I can't grow them in the chalky soil here.
Good luck. I'll bet you get them through winter alright.(y)
Thanks Tetters. :) I'll keep the thread updated as they do or don't progress. There are two shrubs in the garden, one of which is about 6ft high. Worryingly it's in between the house and garden wall which is only 8ft wide and right outside the back door.

This thread is not specific to me, anyone that wishes to add their experiences with seeds and seedlings are welcome. :)