Locations? Bios?

I think there used to be a biography option that would let you show locations (or at least vague locations). I also love talking about myself, so anything more that we can get for adding more about ourselves would be nice :) Thanks!

You can enter all of that information in your account details.
Not like a thread though is it? I can't say I have ever looked at anyone's account details, the very name is boring.
Maybe it is time for you to change the habits of a lifetime, and have a nose Olly ;) There's just a possibility that you might discover much about the folk you chat to - and for a story writer like yourself surely that could create more characters for those tales :unsure:
Another section of the forums I have ever belonged to that I overlook is the showcase bit. That is something I realise I must change. The gardens of others are what might well be inspiration too good to miss..... like looking through a free magazine.

I must admit I have never added much to my own account details, but there's not really anything very interesting to write about me 🥱
Maybe all these extra corners are what makes forums interesting places to be when we get rained off 😃
Not like a thread though is it? I can't say I have ever looked at anyone's account details, the very name is boring.

Maybe I'm mis-understanding what y'all are asking for here. I thought @MamaHawk was asking where to add your location so that it shows up with all of your posts. If you can better explain what it is y'all are wanting, I may be able to make it happen.
I think I'm possibly at a loss to understand as well actually. Is this not where you would write down your profile?
I have just this minute asked Zigs, as he has more forum experience than I have and he agrees that is what the ''profile'' bit is all about. You can write all about yourself and where you are, and your gardening experience, and jobs and interests here, it is your own life story - as much or as little as you like. Does that not solve the query?
I think there used to be a biography option that would let you show locations (or at least vague locations). I also love talking about myself, so anything more that we can get for adding more about ourselves would be nice :) Thanks!

Yep, like Mike said, if you go to your account details there's an "about you" section. I filled mine in already :)

Screenshot 2024-05-22 150305.webp
I found it - but must be a bit daft, it was hiding. After the bit where you put your avatar on - keep scrolling down, and hey presto! ''About me'' 🥳
Not like a thread though is it? I can't say I have ever looked at anyone's account details, the very name is boring.

You could start a thread where members can write all about themselves but one or two people might fill it in before it sinks to the bottom of the list and no one notices it. So the alternative is to pin it to the top of the forum section, but then you get other members who tell me they never look at "sticky" threads so you can't win either way 🙄