Honey Select Triple Sweet Corn Trifecta


Well-known member
My first planting this season of Honey Select triple sweet corn is about 4-5 ft high and has excellent dark green color in spite of the recent heavy rains. This has just barely started tasseling and soon the ear growing process will commence.

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The second planting is about 15 days behind the first planting and scheduled to give us a continuous supply of fresh corn all June and July and maybe into August. There is nothing like the taste of fresh corn from your own garden and Honey Select tops the list of taste winners in my book.

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The third leg of the trifecta is an experimental Hügelkultur container of Honey Select companion planted with Malabar Spinach. It is crowed to aid in pollination and seems to be thriving. Trying to determine if I can successfully grow my favorite corn in a container. So far, so good but the proof is in the "ears".

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Very nice! Another veggie that I've never grown before is corn. Although, I'm not sure I have the space for it, especially at the moment. Might be something that's a few years out for me to try still.

One question I have, though, is how do you water? I'm not sure I've ever seen a sprinkler, or anything, in any of your photos. I know it's not something that's needed when you get 55 inches of rain in a month, but eventually you'll need to water won't you? I'm just curious how you do it.
Corn is arguably the most rewarding veggie to grow in the home garden. One of the reasons I'm trying it in a container is to determine if it can be done in a very small space. So far so good.

Water!!!? Water, water, everywhere but yes, I do have an automatic sprinkler system which has not been turned on for two months as Nature has provided. Rain water is far superior to garden plants over well water or especially treated city water.