Chinese yard long beans


Hardiness zone

My neighbor and I swap seeds yearly. He gave me 10 Chinese yard long beans. I have never tried them, and they look weird.

have any off yall grew these and if so are they worth it? what is the taste like?

Just happen to have a little experience with those.;) I call them asparagus beans and same as Chinese beans, long beans etc. They have a taste that is sweet and mild that some say resembles asparagus.

1) Are they worth it?

Yes, they are a very nice change from green beans. Here they seem to stand up to our heat and humidity better than regular green beans. Very productive. Low maintenance. They prefer warm not cool temps.

asparagus beans 2019.JPG

2) Taste?

As mentioned earlier a bit like asparagus. Very mild when you pick them at less than three feet. :eek:

asparagus beans for lunch 2019.JPG

3) other uses...they make an incredible stir stick for such as bloody Mary drinks. Really good!!

blody mary sticks.JPG

They are really more like a cow pea than a bean and have great soil building properties. I think you will enjoy them.
Just happen to have a little experience with those.;) I call them asparagus beans and same as Chinese beans, long beans etc. They have a taste that is sweet and mild that some say resembles asparagus.

1) Are they worth it?

Yes, they are a very nice change from green beans. Here they seem to stand up to our heat and humidity better than regular green beans. Very productive. Low maintenance. They prefer warm not cool temps.

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2) Taste?

As mentioned earlier a bit like asparagus. Very mild when you pick them at less than three feet. :eek:

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3) other uses...they make an incredible stir stick for such as bloody Mary drinks. Really good!!

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They are really more like a cow pea than a bean and have great soil building properties. I think you will enjoy them.
Going in ground tomorrow. As always ty for sharing
Tut !! I have a packet of these I wanted to grow this year, but not now - they will only get eaten by slugs as soon as they come up , like all my other beans :cry:
That wonderful row at your place Meadowlark makes me green with envy.
Good luck with yours @skinyea
I grow Asparagus beans every year and as @Meadowlark said, pick them before they get too long and they are delish !! I freeze my excess and had so much excess last year that after saving a few seeds for this year, I composted the rest.
This year I planted them late because I did the three sisters method and planted them with my corn.
That may have been a mistake because my corn is about finished and only 5 foot tall while my beans have just started to form flowers.

That should work, seems to me. I usually run pole beans and watermelon as the two "other" sisters with corn...never tried asparagus beans but seems like it would work?
That's what I have this year as the third sister, watermelon. I didn't plan it, the watermelon just came up and I didn't have the heart to pull it out.