Best Plant Aroma?


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Hardiness zone
I hope tea olives go to Heaven because I want to go where they go.

I always forget that I have planted TO on all four corners of the house until that time of year when I come around a corner and get hit with the thought of some beautiful woman is in my yard. We are talking milliseconds before I register which flower is knocking on my brain.

I always imagined Sophia Lauren having a perfume with those fragrant notes. Is that what imagination really is in the few wild thoughts before reality sets in?
I planted tea olives in my yard too. Everyone's olfactory factory is a bit different. I like their smell but, I find them a bit too sweet smelling for my taste. I'm drawn more to the smell of musk roses. I find those very provocative.
It IS different! Lately I have been teasing Mrs. Unscented with different manly scents and whether she knows it or not she mostly definitely has snuggled up in the wee hours and said you smell so good! I am making a list.

Back in 1970 there were gardens outside the Herod's Gate entrance into the old city of Jerusalem. (Gone now under a new ring road around the city) In the 90 degree heat of the early summer sun beat down onto the Rosemary bushes and boiled off the essential oils. The smell was everywhere.

Every time I smell the bushes now it takes me back 50 odd years...

I think this is a pic of the gardens, it was a long time ago.

Elaeagnus ebbingei - a robust shrub often used for hedging has insignificant tiny white flowers. The perfume fills the garden - starting about now, and continuing through Christmas time - just when all else has died back to rest for the winter.
Elaeagnus ebbingei - a robust shrub often used for hedging has insignificant tiny white flowers. The perfume fills the garden - starting about now, and continuing through Christmas time - just when all else has died back to rest for the winter.
Ogh !! I looked that up and it will grow here. I am gonna get me one...
(or more !!) Thanks for posting that @Tetters