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  1. B

    Too Much Nitrogen In My Soil Mix

    I know have it Tested. But I've determined it has too much Nitrogen. My Radishes in my Raised Bed are not making bulbs but a seed fell on gravel it is ready to go. Most things do great but to me just not there. Wondering how I can bring the Nitrogen down? big rockpile
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    It's a Daisy Of Some Kind

    What is it? It is small and I planted several but like them. big rockpile
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    Two Kinds Of Clay

    Trying to change my soil because of Clay but it is a dark color. Was thinking about the South yes it is warmer but it still frost. I was just thinking of the soil there red slick Clay and harder to mess with. Friend was talking about how warm it is here but like he said we didn't have a...
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    Spring Questions Because It Is Warm

    Mulched my Garlic with Straw it is growing up through the Straw. Is it too early to uncover it? Should I top my Onions one more time to keep them from being Leggy? When should I plant them? I was going to start Cabbage inside and was going to start them March 12. Should I wait or start them...
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    Does Helpers Make You Lazy

    I already have a Lift Chair and I feel it makes me Lazy. But yes I'm hard on a Chair getting up. I have trouble putting on my shoes because I only have one good Arm. My wife suggested i get slip on shoes . Once again feel this is being Lazy. big rockpile
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    I Know They Are Plants

    Why is it hard to see Succulents as plants? big rockpile
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    Would you consider Gardening Therapeutic? It don't matter what it is, it seems I have to find out all about it. Gardening to me is fun in every fase from the soil up. Even Worms was going to try Bees but I think I better hold off on them. Gardening is fun and you learn more about life and...
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    Will Tomatoes Cross Pollinate?

    Going to plant 4 varieties of Tomatoes. Will they cross pollinate? I know Peppers will but I'm going to separate the two I'm planting. big rockpile
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    Got To Decide

    Got Prostate Cancer and Radiation messed my Bladder up. They checked my PSA and it has jumped way up but I've quit all my Treatments and went with a Holistic Herblist. Chemo scares me but on other hand I think better run from this Herblist. big rockpile
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    Self Watering Buckets?

    Anyone use Whicking Buckets? And have you had any problems? big rockpile
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    Are Dogs Angles ?

    When I was young Dogs had a purpose either for hunting or herding and was not in the house. The last 40 years they have become part of the family and in the house i do everything to make sure they are safe and happy. We have an Older Beagle that my Granddaughter gave me about 15 years ago...
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    Spray Will This Work To Mix It

    The ingredients is Cayenne Peppers, Garlic, Peppermint, Castel Soap. I simmer the Peppers. Would it work to simmer all the ingredients instead of Soap all together at the same time? big rockpile
  13. B

    Oh PH Is Important I Guess

    Because we always did. I have been using Lime and Wood Ash. Just to for the heck of it I checked my PH. All my soil was 7+ . Was reading up on PH found I'm not good happen to have some Organic Sulfur so used it on things I was really concerned about. Was reading more I'm to apply it every 60...
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    Drainage Problem?

    Been mixing my Potting Soil. 1 part Peat Moss 1 part Top Soil from my Garden 2 parts Compost 2 Parts Perlite I raised the Perlite but still have a drainage problem. Thinking of eliminating Top Soil Half part Peat Moss And Half again Perlite My plants like my first mix but it don't...
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    Quality Over Cheap

    My wife always looking for a bargain. So she shops alot at Walmart. Me I'm always looking for quality. So I might spend more. See so many places closing because sales are way down but they have quality stuff or unique. I really believe this throw away society has to stop a think. Do you...
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    Water Meter

    Truth is I have one but only have used it a couple times lately in the Greenhouse and have found I've been watering too much. Wondering if I should use it in my regular Garden and Flower Beds? big rockpile
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    Pack The Soil?

    Been doing this for years packing down Potting soil so stuff has good contact. Been mixing my own Potting Soil and seems my plants like it. Only thing is it holds water. I doubled my Perlite but still holds water. I'm wondering if my packing it down is wrong and the reason it holds water...
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    Two Fertilizer

    Have you ever used two Fertilizers then wonderd which your plants reacted to? I was having trouble with my root plants. I thought well maybe some Wood Ash. Really didn't wait and put Fish Fertilizer on them. Either way they are very happy. big rockpile
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    Cutting Back?

    I was looking at my Herb Bed. Should I cut back the dead leave cuttings in the Bed for seed? big rockpile
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    I went to the Greenhouse and found all the glass on windows and door was frosted over but the panels the Greenhouse is made of weren't. There was some frost on the panels where the metal is along the bottom. It was nice and warm in there though so I turned the Heater down. It is to warm up...