The Amish Way

big rockpile

Active member
Hardiness zone
Seen advertisements for the Book and ordered it thinking I would learn something new. We lived in an Old Order Amish community for 20 years.

I really didn't learn anything and found some things not practical for this area.

Still go some times to the New Store. Things have changed because the Church changed. Most the older ones left the area to start a New community. And to us it is not the same.

But anyway I was thinking it is the same on this Forum we live in different areas and may just do things differently.

Like one member was talking about seeding Onions so I ordered seed. Then found what worked for him wouldn't work for me because he is in Texas. To me Onion Capital of the World.

big rockpile
The best, sweetest onions are a certain variety of the Texas Grano BUT, that sweet onion is not as sweet as it is when it's grown in the Vidalia area of Georgia. It's said to be because that area in Georgia has very little sulphur in the soil so the onions are sweet and juicy and can be eaten like candy. Grow those anywhere else in the country and they are just not as sweet.

They are in limited supply because that area in central Georgia can only grow so many onions. We in Georgia get most of them.😃
Need to check this out.

Only been to Georgia couple times and never was impressed. But now Onions and such need to look at little more.

big rockpile
The way the Amish live has always fascinated me. They always seem so resourceful and happy. We have a community called The Bruderhof. Some of them come to Zigs cactus shop, and they always seem most content, always smiling. They can be seen out in their carts and ponies during the summer.
Several years ago I went into the local village to listen to the choirs. The Bruderhof brought their choir, and the Snowdown colliery choir also took part. It was a good happy evening.
These people are so different the Church was very strict. But as the kids got older they insisted on changes.

I lived across the holler from their Butcher Shop. Government Inspectors came in insisted he get a cooler instead of depending on the weather and he couldn't afford it so he shut down. He is making Concrete deals like Bird Baths and such.

But I had to show them how to butcher. Found if you have a Blind person skinning a Beef best to get out of the way and let them have at.

Now they have their own Butcher Shop again. He vacuum seals everything which is fine. I asked him about it and he told me he had to conform to what the English want.

They use gas engines and air for everything. Went one time to one of the Sawmills. The guy wasn't running because he couldn't get his Diesel Engine going so I got it going for him.

They got to where money was so important now they will cut each other's throat in business. Like one was cutting Red Cedar bunch more decided that was where the money was.

Anyway they were neighbors that had different beliefs but same as me so we worked together.

big rockpile
The Amish bought our retired Standardbred race horses for their buggies. We even had an Amish guy who had his own racehorse stable. Abe Stoltzfuss ( which means "Strong feet" in German). He was the guy who, in the area of Pennsylvania I worked in, brokered all the deals on the horses with the Amish. Yes, money they like !! He took a cut on all the horses they bought and charged up the ying yang to transport them !!
He was an ok horseman but his stable wasn't one of the most sucessful stables around.
We only had one raising Draft Horses now there is a couple.

Most use regular horses but just for transportation the Bicycle.

big rockpile
We only had one raising Draft Horses now there is a couple.

Most use regular horses but just for transportation the Bicycle.

big rockpile
Those "regular" horses are Standardbreds. They are already trained to pull carts so, fully ready to pull a buggy. They just buy them, hook them up and go.
Had one was getting colts use to traffic. Would tie it on a curve.

I had to laugh one time was hauling Logs to Amish Sawmill. Sent the guy with me to find where they wanted a load of Logs.

He came back to the truck said one asked who we talked to I told them it was a guy with a beard.

????? You do realize these are Amish?

My cousin last Spring was talking about shaving her Legs. I told her living where I was I found hairy Legs and Pits kind of sexy. LOL

big rockpile