Texas super sweet 1015Y onions


Well-known member
A common garden question I get is "when do I plant onions"

If your choice is Texas 1015Y super sweet, the answer is in the name. Planting date if you are in Texas is today Oct. 15. So, today I planted 1 ounce (8000) seeds of 1015Y onions. These will provide hundreds of delicious green onions from November to next March. When seeded, they need to be thinned as they grow through the fall/winter and that works out great for green onion lovers.

I have found from side-by-side comparisons the 1015s grown from seed are superior in terms of size, hardiness ( down to 5 deg. F ), and slowness to bolt as compared to using the live transplants which are available here usually in Nov. Of the planting choices, seed is superior followed by live transplants and last sets.

We consume about 200 hundred pounds of the 1015 bulbs from May to December and fill in the between months with hundreds of green onion thinnings until we start harvesting the bulbsagain in April. No store bought onions here.

" Sweet Texas 1015 onions are robustly softball-sized round, thin-skinned yellow onions with a mild, juicy non-tearing crisp white flesh. The onions have warm and sweet aromatics, due to the presence of the compound, eugenol. Sweet Texas 1015’s trademark sweetness allows them the title of being considered one of the sweetest of the all sweet onion varieties."

An 80 ft row of 8000 1015Y onion seeds:

onions seeded 2024.webp
Just bought our Exhibition Onion seeds, sowing date here is Boxing Day (26th December)

Our onion gap is filled with spring onions from the smallest bulbing onions that I re planted after (the abysmal) harvest this year and from the Autumn planted sets that are just making root growth now.
Just bought our Exhibition Onion seeds, sowing date here is Boxing Day (26th December)

Our onion gap is filled with spring onions from the smallest bulbing onions

@Zigs ...For several years I used Walking Onions (allium x proliferum) to fill my gap. That was when I was going with transplants and didn't have hardly any thinnings to spare. With seeding the 1015s, I no longer need anything else to fill the gap.

The Exhibition onions seem to be much like the 1015s I grow...except I assume they are long-day variety. Post up a picture of a mature one when you can. (y)
I do have a clump of Walking Onions on the go Mr Lark :) Only just getting to the stage where I've got enough to divide up and crop next year.

I will do. Normally sow Kelsae Onions on Boxing Day but was too late to get seed this year.