Tetters Bought me a load of ipads


Well-known member
Kent, England
Hardiness zone
Three boxes of them to be precise 😁


I've had some sort of infection in my eyelids all summer, despite a visit to the doctors and the pharmacist, 2 courses of antibiotic drops didn't help.

Then Tetters found out it might be Eyelid Mites :eek:

demodex.webp They're called Demodex mites and the live in your eye lids.

I've taken 2 tablets of something that you can't type out without the software thinking you're spamming but it should kill em off along with any other parasites that might have stowed away 😁

Also been sticking my head in a bucket of hot water with Tea Tree oil in it so that should help too :)
I was gonna say: "That Tetters must have a bucket of gold if she bought you a load of Ipads" !! 😜

That mite is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Makes Quazimoto look handsome.
How'd you get a mite infection? Have you been rubbing your eyes with dirty hands ? If so, my grandmother would pinch you good and hard for doing that !! 😄