Liquid Plant Food


Well-known member
Kent, England
Hardiness zone
This is some I made last winter 🙂


It started life as all of last winter's kitchen waste plunged into a dustbin full of water. Didn't matter how much went in, it all rotted down anaerobically and smelt like a dead badger while it was doing it 🦡

It hardly smells now, I tested some on Tetters earlier and she didn't hit me 🙂
I got some comfrey root because I wanted to place it along the fence just feet from where my neighbor parks his truck, starts it up, and awakens me at 5:30 every work day.

But the roots died on me. ☺️
This is the current winter's batch in the making....


There are always rats around so this way they can't get at the kitchen scraps. Once they've rotted down under water we add them to the rest of the compost heap as normal and the liquid is strained off as plant food 🙂
I have been splitting oak logs, and the bark keeps peeling off so I threw it all in a bucket. The bucket filled with water and it is dark brown, thinking of putting it on my rhododendrons and azaleas, I reckon there will be a fair bit of tannic acid in there, and then using the bark in the bottom of sacks I am putting potatoes in, what do you reckon?
I have been splitting oak logs, and the bark keeps peeling off so I threw it all in a bucket. The bucket filled with water and it is dark brown, thinking of putting it on my rhododendrons and azaleas, I reckon there will be a fair bit of tannic acid in there, and then using the bark in the bottom of sacks I am putting potatoes in, what do you reckon?
It's always good to experiment. I moved two of my raised beds that I had put all sorts of logs and limbs in the bottom half of when I set it up two years ago. There was nothing but dirt in it; No logs or limbs were left, all had rotted away.
I have been splitting oak logs, and the bark keeps peeling off so I threw it all in a bucket. The bucket filled with water and it is dark brown, thinking of putting it on my rhododendrons and azaleas, I reckon there will be a fair bit of tannic acid in there, and then using the bark in the bottom of sacks I am putting potatoes in, what do you reckon?

I'd dilute it a bit Olly, might be a bit strong on it's own but you're right, it'll be acidic 🙂