How loud is a JD S170 riding lawn mower in decibels?


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Hardiness zone
So after 450ish hours a John Deere S170 appeared miraculously to replace the JD L130 that was in the garden shed. Basically the same machine, the S170 has suffered improvements and one is a very nice looking exhaust can muffler set up. I wear hearing safety when mowing generally, but since I have a decimal meter I wanted to know how loud is this new s170?

The high db deck running

The lowest

Nominal high speed no deck

Out in front no deck

mowing the yard


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You are a one for gadgets aren't you. Decibels? I know nothing.... would have liked to have seen a bit more of the tractor though. We have a Cadet, and a bigger Countax with high grass deck. The little Cadet is the best for mulching and manoeuvrability.
So 15 to 60 minutes without suffering hearing loss (without protection).

Two years ago I went to an audiologist and got the personalized ear plugs. The ones where an impression of your ear is made and they cast silicone to match. WOW. That was $200 very well spent. I can comfortably wear those for 8+ hours a day on a machine shop floor. They don't pinch glasses like the muff style and they easily fit into my ear unlike the foam plugs.
I use the cheap orange 32-3317155576356773491647044921398618.webpdb peanuts sold in the big bix stores. It is for maybe 1.5 hours. I wish I knew what they oil them with and I suspect mineral oil. When I forget them in my pocket and they are washed they do not perform as well.