How AI will affect everyone in the future

Lots of people have already got AI spying on their every move Logan - Smart phones, smart TV's and
'' Alexa'' to name a few. I find the whole subject terrifying.
It's going to be worse than that, we have smart phones and Amazon smart speakers/Alexa but they're not that worrying. To wake up Alexa have to have a wake up command name, ours is Computer because of Star Trek, it was hubby's idea. The morning alarm would be the sound of the red alert in Star Trek.
A Skynet funding bill is passed in the United States Congress, and the system goes online on August 4, 1997, removing human decisions from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn rapidly and eventually becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997.

The article actually says it's most likely to be a Greek text on Epicurean Philosophy.
That's actually a most interesting article, and we would never have seen it as generally we have nothing to do with the BBC these days after all their rotten antics.
That's actually a most interesting article, and we would never have seen it as generally we have nothing to do with the BBC these days after all their rotten antics.
Just to add, although AI clearly has one or two really sensible and useful uses, it still has the ability to take over and destroy our very existence - that is, if we can survive the onslaught we are already facing.