Griselinia littoralis


Well-known member
Kent, England
Hardiness zone
Or New Zealand Privet is an evergreen broadleaf shrub that makes a very good hedge. It is easy to clip into shape and although the tips can get burned by cold weather it seems to spring back well. It can reach 4 to 5 metres if left unclipped.

I struck these cuttings a couple of years ago, they seem to be doing well so thought I'd better pot them up separately.

DSC04859.webp DSC04860.webp

Potted them into garden compost and gave them a good watering. I lost several this size in the drought a few years ago so I'm going to look after these for another season before planting them out.


This is the bush the cuttings came from...

They look great Zigs

Ta Logan :) I'm hoping to put more of them around the edge to keep the North wind out :eek:

You can just see the North Sea from the bottom of the garden, there's nothing after that until you get to the North Pole :oops:


You can just see the wind turbines on the North Sea on full zoom.