Got To Decide

big rockpile

Well-known member
Hardiness zone
Got Prostate Cancer and Radiation messed my Bladder up.

They checked my PSA and it has jumped way up but I've quit all my Treatments and went with a Holistic Herblist.

Chemo scares me but on other hand I think better run from this Herblist.

big rockpile
Got Prostate Cancer and Radiation messed my Bladder up.

They checked my PSA and it has jumped way up but I've quit all my Treatments and went with a Holistic Herblist.

Chemo scares me but on other hand I think better run from this Herblist.

big rockpile
I for one will be praying for you. Keep up with what you love and thing will get better.
Decided to go with regular treatment and still go with the Herblist.

Like my wife said she can't tell me not to do any of the regular treatment.

I'm thinking they will be working against each other.

Only thing I can think of is keep my regular Cancer Doctor informed about what else is going on.

big rockpile
Decided to go with regular treatment and still go with the Herblist.

Like my wife said she can't tell me not to do any of the regular treatment.

I'm thinking they will be working against each other.

Only thing I can think of is keep my regular Cancer Doctor informed about what else is going on.

big rockpile
I don't think doing both will hurt, just check with your Doctor about the herbs you are taking to make sure that that herb won't interfere with other meds you need to take.
Rockers, you really do need to talk to your regular cancer doctor about the treatments, and it is also most wise to let them know about your herbal meds. They could possibly be doing more harm than good. We will also be praying for you - to the very best physician of all :)
Remember the song 'Lily the Pink'? In real life she was a herbalist, the first American woman to become a millionaire. Her thing was a 'Medicinal compound for women's troubles, most efficacious in every case.', no holding back there, always works, no matter what's wrong. :)
Science isn't perfect, but testing theories with experiment and keeping track of numbers is the best thing we have come up with so far.
I strongly recommend Ben Goldacre's book 'Bad science', a good guide to who to trust, and tell your doctor what else you are doing, sometimes things interact in unexpected ways, if he has the information he can advise better.