A Guide to Suggestions


Well-known member
North Texas
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One thing that will set this site apart from the rest is the fact that I write all of my own code for my sites. What this means is that when it's decided to implement a new feature, we don't have to wait for the money to be there, or for the right coder to come along. It means I can get to work on coding it right away.

That said, it is important that there be a process for posting suggestions and that it's clear to everyone how the selection process will work.

Posting a suggestion

First of all, I'd always recommend searching the suggestion forum to make sure your idea hasn't already been suggested before. It'll help keep things nice and neat and save the moderators the time of having to merge suggestions together when multiples are found. It's also much easier to track interest in particular suggestions when the votes aren't scattered across multiple threads.

When making a suggestion in this forum, I think the most important things are to be as specific as possible with your suggestion and also only have one suggestion per thread. This way, if members are voting for your suggestion, it makes it easy to know exactly what it is they're voting for.

I'll always try to reply to every suggestion thread. While I can't guarantee every suggestion will be implemented, I can guarantee that they'll all be listened to and considered.

Agreeing with/voting for a suggestion

If you agree with a suggestion, and want to see it implemented, please upvote that suggestion. This will be the primary indicator on whether, or not, to implement a suggestion.

To upvote a suggestion, simply click the up arrow next to the first post in the suggestion thread.

When you're viewing the suggestion forum, threads can be sorted by the number of votes.

Please keep in mind that while the number of votes is the primary indictor on whether to implement a suggestion, it is not the only indicator. I'll always want to implement the suggestions that members want the most but sometimes there are reasons why I can't implement a suggestion. Sometimes technical issues will prevent it. Sometimes the amount of time it would take to write the code isn't worth the effort.
This is a bit new to most of us I think, but hopefully we'll all get used to it, and it will help to mould the new forum the way we all like it.

I mean, the site should have everything the other site had. This one has a few less forums, but we can easily add those as needed, and as the site grows. Also, I didn't install the Showcase like the other site had but it was almost never used and hasn't been used in quite some time now.

That said, if y'all can think of anything that might make this site better, please just let me know and we can talk about it. I do have a few things in mind, and I'll make suggestion threads for those soon to get everyone's thoughts on them.
One thing it would be good to re-instate would probably be the photography competition each month, as it used to be when there was a side panel.

Well congratulations are in order as Google Security Hates You. Thats not a bad thing imo but realistically before the party gets shut down consider that "not really relevant" problem because the bard bard said a rose by any other name will still smell as sweet. But like having a successful year in the garden you can get sucked into a strangly incorrect statistical belief that you can continue forward with success. I would correct the domain name imo yet Texans kick rocks and stay so maybe persistence would pay off.

Or I am just wrong again which is a thing that has become an increasing concern. Well to my wife anyways as I am inherently comfortable sharing my tharts.
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This is something I encountered myself and I've already purchased another domain name for use. I just haven't had a chance to get things switched over just yet.
Well since you are on it as interested people so often are let me offer any support I might be capable providing. My google advertising experience is from the inception phase and mostly I am jaded but might be of some use in some way unknown to me which is a source of fun.
When I first joined the forum, there were a lot of what I figured were apartment dwellers who showcased their indoor and balcony plants. There seemed to be more eastern Europeans then. but they disappeared. This was about the time that I suggested the Photo of the Month category of "Greenery". But they were gone by then. 🥺
When I first joined the forum, there were a lot of what I figured were apartment dwellers who showcased their indoor and balcony plants. There seemed to be more eastern Europeans then. but they disappeared. This was about the time that I suggested the Photo of the Month category of "Greenery". But they were gone by then. 🥺
There will be a photo competition here soon. It is in the pipeline I promise ;)
A good idea @Tetters but can I suggest another way of voting is thought about please. On the other forum votes could be changed at any time allowing for bias.
What a good point. I couldn't agree more. I'm having problems with photos since I got a chromebook when the old 'puter died. I suppose I could always ask Sir if he would put mine on for me - he knows about these things 🙄